FooBarWidget / debian-packaging-for-the-modern-developer

Debian packaging tutorials for the modern developer
439 stars 71 forks source link

Where is 6-12? #3

Open KP2048 opened 5 years ago

KP2048 commented 5 years ago

The main readme says there is 12 tutorials I only see 5

dundir commented 4 years ago

It looks like the project may be abandoned given the lack of a response.

There are 12 tutorials listed, but only the first few were actually written and released, and I was looking forward to the more advanced ones as I maintain packages, and the effort to package should be minimal but isn't. It doesn't help matters that the official debian documentation is wholly inadequate.

Its not like the lack of documentation will stop people who are determined to figure it out. Maybe I'll write up an equivalent crash course once I'm more confident with the more advanced packaging use-cases.

FooBarWidget commented 4 years ago

Yes the project is on hold for now.

lancejpollard commented 4 years ago

This was super excellent! Now to figure out how to create a cryptographically proper package :)

Any tips?

lancejpollard commented 4 years ago

Here is the rest of the tutorial :p

Here is another.