FooSoft / anki-connect

Anki plugin to expose a remote API for creating flash cards.
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Add an endpoint for retrieving model info in its entirety #400

Open pattontim opened 1 year ago

pattontim commented 1 year ago

When you create a model, all of its info in its entirety is available to you.


        "css":".card {\n font-family: arial;\n font-size: 20px;\n text-align: center;\n color: black;\n background-color: white;\n}\n",

However, if you want to retrieve information by model ID it is necessary to make several requests and attempt to reconstruct the information-

chain('modelFieldNames', { "modelName": modelName })
            .add('modelTemplates', { "modelName": modelName })
            .add('modelFieldFonts', { "modelName": modelName })
            .add('modelStyling', { "modelName": modelName })
            .add('modelFieldsOnTemplates', { "modelName": modelName })

const [fieldNames, templates, fonts, styling, fieldsOnTemplates] = modelBuilder.commit() as 
            fieldNames: string[], templates: { [templateName: string]: { [fieldName: string]: string } }, 
            fonts: { [fieldName: string]: { font: string, size: number } }, styling: { css: string }, 
            fieldsOnTemplates: { [templateName: string]: [string][] }

Even more calls would be needed to recreate all of the info

A simplified endpoint might look like...

modelInfo: {
    params: {
      modelName: string;
    result: {
      sortf: number;
      did: number;
      latexPre: string;
      latexPost: string;
      mod: number;
      usn: number;
      vers: unknown[];
      type: number;
      css: string;
      name: string;
      flds: AnkiField[];
      tmpls: AnkiTemplate[];
      tags: string[];
      id: number;
      req: unknown[];