FooSoft / yomichan

Japanese pop-up dictionary extension for Chrome and Firefox.
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Change color of "popular terms" (P) and show them fist in the popup list #1131

Closed Samuel-Castonguay closed 3 years ago

Samuel-Castonguay commented 3 years ago

Hi there,

Thank you for you hard work!

Pintliz commented 3 years ago

:root{ --accent-color: ; } you can add this to your custom popup CSS and use it to change the color of popular terms for example :root{--accent-color: pink}

Samuel-Castonguay commented 3 years ago

Thanks a lot!

This works when using light mode, however dark does not seem to work (see attachment). Popup CSS is identical in both cases with :root{--accent-color: pink}


Pintliz commented 3 years ago

try :root{--accent-color: pink !important;}

Samuel-Castonguay commented 3 years ago


Thank you for your time and for your prompt responses!


toasted-nutbread commented 3 years ago

Note that the blue coloring on popular terms is partially a bug, as described here:, so you may notice that color go away in the future. Beyond that, Pintliz's CSS for changing the main accent color should work.

Samuel-Castonguay commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the note!

toasted-nutbread commented 3 years ago

Also, forgot to mention:

Is there a way to make "popular terms" (P) show first in the popup list?

I believe popular terms are already given an increased priority to appear before other terms, but there are other factors that apply as well, such as word length. Let me know if you have seen something that looks very wrong, or something that might be better organized in another manner (with an option).