FooSoft / yomichan

Japanese pop-up dictionary extension for Chrome and Firefox.
1.05k stars 205 forks source link

Cant add {clipboard-image} to anki card on brave browser #1675

Closed TingTingin closed 3 years ago

TingTingin commented 3 years ago

Description (Describe what the issue is, if it is reproducible, and if possible, how to reproduce it.)

When using brave browser with an image in the clipboard if I try to add a ANKI card with {clipboard-image} on one of the fields the field shows up blank in ANKI I have clipboard read enabled and for testing I tried adding a ANKI card with the same {clipboard-image} on a field in Firefox and the image was added to card in ANKI

Its worth noting that if I use {clipboard-text} with text in the clipboard that it will get added to card when using brave

Browser version brave 1.24.84 Chromium: 90.0.4430.93

Yomichan version Yomichan

Exported settings file (If you think it might be relevant, create a settings export file using the Export Settings button on the settings page; zip or rename the resulting file to .txt to attach to the issue.)

toasted-nutbread commented 3 years ago

Check the permissions page and make sure clipboard reading is allowed. You can access the permissions page from the browser button popup menu => info page => permissions. Unless this is what you mean by I have clipboard read enabled, in which case I can try to reproduce the issue.

TingTingin commented 3 years ago

Not sure where the page your referencing is but is see this on the extension info

toasted-nutbread commented 3 years ago

image => image => image

TingTingin commented 3 years ago

its enabled there too


toasted-nutbread commented 3 years ago

Just tested on Brave 1.24.85 without issue, can you export your settings file and share it?

TingTingin commented 3 years ago

okay here it is

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toasted-nutbread commented 3 years ago

I don't have the issue using your settings file either. Is there a particular way you're assigning the clipboard image? Printscreen or something?

Additionally, not sure if you have any other variants of Chrome installed, but you could try testing on one of those to see if you have the same issue.

TingTingin commented 3 years ago

Okay so I reinstalled Yomichan in brave and also tried on another variant of chrome and with the reinstall it still doesnt work and surprisingly also doesn't work on the other variant of chrome it does however work on firefox i dont get why

in this gif there is an image on the clipboard copied via sharex


TingTingin commented 3 years ago

forgot to mention in the gif chrome brave and firefox (in that order) are being used

toasted-nutbread commented 3 years ago

Firefox and Chromium browsers handle image clipboard reading differently, so that likely accounts for the difference in behaviour. However, it's not clear why the Chromium browsers aren't working for you, whereas they are for me. I may try to create a script for you to test.

TingTingin commented 3 years ago

Another note if I use the clipboard text feature it does get added to the card

thx for the help btw

toasted-nutbread commented 3 years ago

Okay, so one thing you can try to do is to simulate the image reading code in the extension:

  1. Open chrome://extensions/
  2. Enable Developer mode
  3. Find the Inspect views label of Yomichan's entry
  4. Click background.html (or click More... if it's not listed first, then click background.html)
  5. On the DevTools window that opens, make sure it's on the console tab
  6. Paste this code, but don't press enter to execute it yet:
    (() => {
     const target = document.querySelector('#clipboard-image-paste-target');
     target.textContent = '';
  7. After the code has been pasted, copy an image to your clipboard
  8. Now execute the code by pressing enter
  9. This should print some stuff out which might be a bit lengthy. Copy what it prints out and share it here.

For reference, here is an example of what it could look like: image

TingTingin commented 3 years ago

I think I figured it out though when I did what you said there I kept getting undefined and nothing else was returned I then disabled sharex and tried using windows normal printscreen and then it returned some values so I tried to add a card to anki and the image was added to it

So it seems there something about how sharex copies images to the clipboard that chrome cant interact with im not sure what to do from here though

Do you know why that could be the issue and how to fix?

TingTingin commented 3 years ago

Okay looking into this more I finally found the issue apparently in shareX there's two types of copy to clipboard copy image to clipboard and copy file to clipboard when set to copy file it seems that the chrome browsers don't wont work with the file but Firefox does however when set to copy image this it works! and the images actually get added to ANKI sorry for wasting your time I feel stupid

toasted-nutbread commented 3 years ago

Yeah, I was going to suggest that as the issue after I did some looking into it. As I mentioned in an earlier post, Firefox and Chrome read the clipboard differently, and Firefox is able to read files directly. Chrome, on the other hand, is only able to read the clipboard by performing a "paste" command, which works for image data but not for files. This may change at some point in the distant future if Chrome ever addresses this issue.