FooSoft / yomichan

Japanese pop-up dictionary extension for Chrome and Firefox.
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Text cutoff when creating anki cards while watching netflix. #2119

Closed jtafernando closed 2 years ago

jtafernando commented 2 years ago

Description I have yomichan set to export the {sentence} field into one of the fields of my anki notecard. When watching netflix using Langauge Reactor (formerly known as Language Learning with Netflix), if I try to create a flash card for a word, the entire subtitle that that word is in does not get exported to my ank card. For example: Subtitle: “この男 廃人クラスの ゲーヲタですよ”ってね Sentence field in my anki card: “この男 廃人クラスの

Browser version Chrome Version 100.0.4896.127 (Official Build) (64-bit)

Yomichan version

toasted-nutbread commented 2 years ago

Is the text split across multiple lines? Can you screenshot what it looks like?

Sentence detection is partially determined by how the text elements are organized from the browser. I'm not sure if this will work or not, but you could try enabling the Advanced > Scanning > Layout-aware scanning option on the settings page. This option uses a slightly different text parsing algorithm.

jtafernando commented 2 years ago

I enabled the layout-aware scanning and that worked! Thank you! I think we can close this issue then.