FooSoft / yomichan

Japanese pop-up dictionary extension for Chrome and Firefox.
1.05k stars 203 forks source link Release #2226

Closed toasted-nutbread closed 1 year ago

toasted-nutbread commented 1 year ago




FYI @FooSoft

MarvNC commented 1 year ago

Scanning seems to be much less reliable, refusing to scan for no apparent reason and sometimes refusing to scan at other times. It may have to do with the web page the content is on; things do not scan at all on Discord, and scanning is slow and only seems to work half of the time on this page. Meanwhile it's working perfectly fine here on Github.

Reverting to the previous version of the extension solves these issues. No errors in the console of the webpage or the background.html page.

toasted-nutbread commented 1 year ago

Can you share your settings file, and maybe record a demo of the issues? Can you describe the "slow scanning" difference?

I am able to scan text on Discord without issue.

Problem could be related to #2176, but I'm not sure.

MarvNC commented 1 year ago

The slow scanning is taking multiple seconds from the cursor/modifier key being pressed to the popup showing up, and often not scanning at all. I will record a video later today.

Thermospore commented 1 year ago

You are on right? I am too, but I haven't had that issue. Here are my settings yomichan-settings-2022-09-10-17-18-02.txt

MarvNC commented 1 year ago

I reverted after had these scanning issues, yes. No issues on

Thermospore commented 1 year ago

Ah ok I see. How did you install

MarvNC commented 1 year ago

You can download the source code from the releases page, and install it from the 'ext' folder by loading it as an unpacked extension.

MarvNC commented 1 year ago

Here's a video. I'm holding down the modifier key for almost the whole time here. It seems to also suffer the same slowness in the Github text box for writing comments.

toasted-nutbread commented 1 year ago

Can you share what it looks like with the old version? I am still unable to reproduce a speed difference between either version, although I do only have ~27 of the 50 dictionaries you have.

MarvNC commented 1 year ago

Not lightning quick, but very usable.

MarvNC commented 1 year ago

I just tried disabling all my dictionaries except JMDict and using and the slowness persists; it noticeably speeds up lookups on So I guess dictionary count likely isn't the issue?

toasted-nutbread commented 1 year ago

Do you get the same issue with any of these versions? (Since it sounds like dictionary count isn't the issue, test with only one dictionary enabled if possible)


(If you find two consecutive versions where one has the issue and one doesn't, you don't need to test the rest)

MarvNC commented 1 year ago

1 - same as usual 2 - slow/failing to scan 3 - slow/failing to scan

toasted-nutbread commented 1 year ago

Okay, I think that confirms my suspicious that the slowness stems from the changes in #2178, although I don't see any regression on my side when profiling.

Could you test this and see if it has the issue? And if it does fix it, could you make a video comparison of vs this one using only one dictionary?

Thank you for your help!

MarvNC commented 1 year ago

And thank you for the work!

Now that you mention it, it is words near the right side of the window that are slow/not being scanned. It seems to fix the issue. It also solves the scanning in Discord that wasn't working me. Glad I'm able to use now!

Performance test:

toasted-nutbread commented 1 year ago

Oh I think I see what the issue is. You might have had your zoom level on these websites at a value that isn't 100%. For some reason that will cause Chrome to report the CSS zoom level as the same as what your user-defined browser zoom is, which is not handled properly.

I'll look into fixing that properly.

FooSoft commented 1 year ago

Released to testing!

Thermospore commented 1 year ago

ah, yep now I can't scan anything at all haha even on github

on the search page: searching by clicking on or selecting a different part of the sentence doesn't work either image

my settings file is above if needed

for reference github is at 100% zoom and I have yomichan search page at 110% zoom image

changing it has no effect though

toasted-nutbread commented 1 year ago

@Thermospore In your OS settings, do you have display scaling set at a value other than 100%? I've found that that also triggers the issue for me. Just want to confirm the things that seem to be causing this.

Thermospore commented 1 year ago

Yes, it's set to 125% (windows 10)

toasted-nutbread commented 1 year ago

@FooSoft I have bumped the release to, which includes #2227. The testing release should be updated with this, but not pushed to stable yet. There is now an option to enable/disable the relevant changes in case of issues.

FooSoft commented 1 year ago

Testing updated to

Thermospore commented 1 year ago

scanning issue resolved for me 🙏 it's great to be back

toasted-nutbread commented 1 year ago

Alright, @FooSoft I have made one last update for testing on this release, the main change is #2235, all changes are here. This restores support for Google Docs, which there have been some additional comments about recently so I finally got around to figuring that out.

This can go to testing for now and probably stable soon after; unless there are issues, I don't foresee any more patches necessary.

FooSoft commented 1 year ago


toasted-nutbread commented 1 year ago

@FooSoft We can probably release to stable, I haven't seen any other issues.

FooSoft commented 1 year ago

Released to stable