FooSoft / yomichan

Japanese pop-up dictionary extension for Chrome and Firefox.
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El botón "+" no aparece en Yomichan #2241

Open ghost opened 1 year ago

ghost commented 1 year ago

No puedo agregar la mayor parte de las palabras que selecciono en Yomichan a Ankidroid desde hace dos días (el boton "+" no se muestra). De igual manera las palabras que ya tengo agregadas no muestran el pequeño libro que indica que ya fueron enviadas a Anki.

La verdad estoy un poco confundido de si es un problema del mismo Anki o de Yomichan ya que el problema cambió al moverme a las versiones 2.15.0 y 2.15.1 de Ankidroid donde se soluciona el problema del botón "+" (que no aparecía) y me permitió agregar las tarjetas, sin embargo, puedo agregarlas de manera infinita ya que el pequeño libro se sustituye por el botón de "+" que no desaparece por mas que las agregue.

Screenshot_20221001-173547_Kiwi Browser Screenshot_20221001-173710_Kiwi Browser

toasted-nutbread commented 1 year ago

Google translated:

I can't add most of the words I select in Yomichan to Ankidroid for two days (the "+" button is not showing). Similarly, the words that I already have added do not show the little book that indicates that they have already been sent to Anki.

The truth is that I am a bit confused if it is a problem with Anki itself or with Yomichan since the problem changed when I moved to versions 2.15.0 and 2.15.1 of Ankidroid where the problem with the "+" button (which did not appear ) and it allowed me to add the cards, however, I can add them infinitely since the little book is replaced by the "+" button that does not disappear no matter how many times I add them.

Can you share and export your Yomichan setting file?


ghost commented 1 year ago

Google tradujo:

No puedo agregar la mayoría de las palabras que selecciono en Yomichan a Ankidroid durante dos días (el botón "+" no aparece). Del mismo modo, las palabras que ya he agregado no muestran el librito que indica que ya fueron enviadas a Anki. La verdad es que estoy un poco confundido si es un problema con el mismo Anki o con Yomichan ya que el problema cambió cuando pasé a las versiones 2.15.0 y 2.15.1 de Ankidroid donde el problema con el botón "+" (que no no aparece) y me permitía agregar las tarjetas, sin embargo, puedo agregarlas infinitamente ya que el librito se reemplaza por el botón "+" que no desaparece por más veces que las agregue.

¿Puedes compartir y exportar tu archivo de configuración de Yomichan?


¿Cómo puedo enviartelo? ¿debería enviarte lo que contiene el archivo resultante?

ghost commented 1 year ago


toasted-nutbread commented 1 year ago

Rename the file to a .txt instead of a .json, and then you can attach it to a comment.

Google translated:

Cambie el nombre del archivo a .txt en lugar de .json, y luego puede adjuntarlo a un comentario.

ghost commented 1 year ago


landonepps commented 1 year ago

I'm experiencing the same issue on Linux. If I disable checking for duplicates, the + button always appears. But on some words that were missing the + button, when I click it I get an error saying:

An error occurred:

    Anki error: cannot create note because it is empty

Log debug info to console

This happens for the entry にもかかわらず, for instance.

Here's the log:

    "ankiNoteErrors": [
            "name": "Error",
            "stack": "_invoke@moz-extension://f2ba3471-da8d-4ab6-9da0-514c4a1c78c0/js/comm/anki-connect.js:300:31\n",
            "data": {
                "action": "addNote",
                "params": {
                    "note": {
                        "fields": {
                            "Optimized-Voc-Index": "",
                            "Vocabulary-Kanji": "にも関わらず",
                            "Vocabulary-Furigana": "にも 関[かか]わらず",
                            "Vocabulary-Kana": "",
                            "Vocabulary-English": "<div style=\"text-align: left;\"><i>(exp, conj, uk)</i> <ul><li>in spite of</li><li>nevertheless</li><li>although</li><li>despite</li><li>no matter the</li><li>regardless of</li></ul></div>",
                            "Vocabulary-Audio": "",
                            "Vocabulary-Pos": "Unknown",
                            "Caution": "",
                            "Expression": "This happens for the entry にもかかわらず, for instance.",
                            "Reading": "This happens for the entry にもかかわらず, for instance.",
                            "Sentence-Kana": "",
                            "Sentence-English": "",
                            "Sentence-Clozed": "",
                            "Sentence-Audio": "[sound:yomichan_audio_にもかかわらず_にも関わらず_2022-09-02-15-53-23.mp3]",
                            "Notes": "",
                            "Core-Index": "",
                            "Optimized-Sent-Index": "",
                            "Frequency": ""
                        "tags": [
                        "deckName": "Media::VN",
                        "modelName": "Yomichan",
                        "options": {
                            "allowDuplicate": true,
                            "duplicateScope": "deck",
                            "duplicateScopeOptions": {
                                "deckName": null,
                                "checkChildren": false,
                                "checkAllModels": false
                "status": 200,
                "apiError": "cannot create note because it is empty"


landonepps commented 1 year ago

Ah, I think I figured it out when rereading the error log. My sort field is Optimized-Voc-Index, which I set to the frequency. And I'm guessing the sort field is required by Anki, and the words I'm trying to add have no frequency info.

Edit: Nope, I switched the sort field to Vocabulary-Kanji which is definitely there and I get the same error.

Edit 2: But removing the frequency field did fix it. This had the side effect of making the kanji field the first one, so I'm not sure if the error has to do with frequency or if the first field can't be blank.

toasted-nutbread commented 1 year ago

@landonepps It looks like the first field of the card is Optimized-Voc-Index, which is empty. The first field must be unique and non-empty, since this is what Anki uses for uniqueness checks.

You can include this field, it just can't be the first field. Vocabulary-Kanji should probably be first.

landonepps commented 1 year ago

Makes sense. I wonder if Patata099 has the same issue. Though after looking through their settings (assuming the fields are ordered correctly) it seems like the first field should always be there.

I think it would be nice to update the error message to say something about this requirement. Changing “cannot create note because it is empty“ to “cannot create note because the first field is empty” would help a lot with understanding the actual issue.

Although the error only appears if you disable duplicate checks, which is hidden in the advanced settings, so it’s possible most people will never discover the error message to begin with. They’ll just be confused why the + button doesn’t appear.

So maybe it would be better to include the warning on the Anki card config screen? Or warn users if they try to set the first field to a template that can be blank? …though I imagine that would be rather difficult since the templates can be customized.

toasted-nutbread commented 1 year ago

@Patata099 Check your Anki card format under Configure Anki card format... and share a screenshot if you can.

I've seen several people use a model named "Mining-475ae", which yours does as well, but the format doesn't match the format I've seen used in the past. If you have fields marked in red, they are invalid. Example:


toasted-nutbread commented 1 year ago


though I imagine that would be rather difficult since the templates can be customized.

This is correct, there wouldn't be a way to easily and correctly determine if the first field is valid. Some of the Anki card format errors could be better indicated I suppose, with a description about the first field.

ghost commented 1 year ago

@Patata099Verifica el formato de tu tarjeta Anki en Configurar formato de tarjeta Anki... y comparte una captura de pantalla si puedes.

He visto a varias personas usar un modelo llamado "Mining-475ae", que el tuyo también usa, pero el formato no coincide con el formato que he visto usar en el pasado. Si tiene campos marcados en rojo, no son válidos. Ejemplo:


Aquí lo dejo.

Screenshot_20221004-213517_Kiwi Browser

En cuanto al por qué de que sea diferente podría ser que le hice algunos cambios como por el ejemplo agregar el pitch accent en " audio de la oración ". No me apareció nada en rojo asi que lo dejé. No sé si ahí estará el problema.

toasted-nutbread commented 1 year ago

Was the image taken while connected to Anki? Enable Anki integration would show this:


ghost commented 1 year ago

¿Se tomó la imagen mientras estaba conectado a Anki? Habilitar la integración de Anki mostraría esto:


En todas las imágenes que te he enviado, sí.

toasted-nutbread commented 1 year ago

What type of device are you running Anki and Yomichan on? And what web browser are you using?

ghost commented 1 year ago

¿En qué tipo de dispositivo estás ejecutando Anki y Yomichan? ¿Y qué navegador web estás usando?

Kiwi Browser


toasted-nutbread commented 1 year ago

How are you using AnkiConnect on Android?

ghost commented 1 year ago

¿Cómo estás usando AnkiConnect en Android?

Debido a que en Ankidroid no existen los complementos, AnkiConnet en android es una app. Sólo necesita encenderlo en "start" y ya conecta directamente con Anki.


Screenshot_20221005-210036_Ankiconnect Android

toasted-nutbread commented 1 year ago

Where does this app come from? I cannot find it with some cursory searching.

ghost commented 1 year ago

¿De dónde viene esta aplicación? No puedo encontrarlo con una búsqueda superficial.

Si no recuerdo mal creo que aquí la obtuve.

toasted-nutbread commented 1 year ago

It's possible that the issue is with either that app or Ankidroid; that app isn't something I've used before so it's not something we target in our testing.

Your settings seem to work as expected on a normal desktop configuration.

Also see, as this seems related to your issue.

ghost commented 1 year ago

Es posible que el problema sea con esa aplicación o con Ankidroid; esa aplicación no es algo que haya usado antes, por lo que no es algo a lo que apuntamos en nuestras pruebas.

Su configuración parece funcionar como se esperaba en una configuración de escritorio normal.

Consulte también , ya que parece estar relacionado con su problema.

Ya veo. Sin duda saber de donde proviene el problema es de gran ayuda. ¡Muchas gracias!

Aquafina-water-bottle commented 1 year ago

@Patata099 I believe the bug is fixed now. Try using the latest version of AnkiconnectAndroid: (you likely have to remove the existing app and re-install the APK). If you still have problems, I'd recommend closing this issue and opening a new issue in the AnkiconnectAndroid repository linked above.