FooSoft / yomichan

Japanese pop-up dictionary extension for Chrome and Firefox.
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Is it possible to modify Dictionary's inside Yomichan or export dictionary's to excel? #599

Open 511141 opened 4 years ago

511141 commented 4 years ago

Daijirin is presently being utilized as a dictionary for J-J descriptions. However, Daijirin also translates English words and letters to Japanese. My query is is it possible to modify the dictionaries inside Yomichan to not show any translations of English letters or 和英 translations. If not is it possible to export the dictionary database to excel through Yomichan?

siikamiika commented 4 years ago

It's possible to disable scanning alphanumeric text in Scanning Options.

和英 translations are harder to disable unless there's some indication of those in the original dictionary that you can check with Yomichan Import. It's possible to export the dictionaries to Excel if you know how to convert the JSON files inside the zip to CSV, but I wouldn't recommend that unless you have a way of detecting the English rows (such as guessing it from the proportion of Latin letters, which could be tricky in Excel).

Another hacky solution would be to use Custom popup CSS to hide all English characters within 大辞林, but you'd also need a custom invisible font for that:

@font-face {
  font-family: 'EnglishText';
  src: local('Name Of The Invisible Font');
  unicode-range: U+0061-U+007a;

.term-definition-item[data-dictionary=大辞林] .term-glossary-list {
  font-family: EnglishText, sans-serif;
Thermospore commented 3 years ago

I'm using [Monolingual] 三省堂 大辞林 第三版.zip in this pack. Doesn't have any English, and works pretty well. It even has some newer stuff somehow, like 東日本大震災