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Allium ampeloprasum - broadleaf wild leek - needs synonym clarification #121

Open ddooley opened 3 years ago

ddooley commented 3 years ago

Allium ampeloprasum ( has a variety of sub-species but synonymy and taxon names is shared or not clear among them.

ddooley commented 3 years ago

For a start, does english term "leek" map more directly to a subspecies? Or "wild leek"?

Anoosha-Sehar commented 3 years ago

I have checked through different sources and few terms are bit overlapping. If we first look at 'wild leek': As per Wikipedia: Allium tricoccum -> common name -> ramp, ramps, ramson, wild leek, wood leek, or wild garlic As per ITIS: TSN:42672->Specie -> Allium tricoccum -> Common Name -> ramp, wild leek, small white leek TSN:810350 -> Variety-> Wild leek, ramp As per NCBITaxonomy-> Allium tricoccum -> Common name -> wild leek, ramp, has exact synonym -> wild leek, ramp All these sources indicate that wild leek is a common name for specie 'Allium tricoccum', which is a different specie from Allium ampeloprasum.

But Wikipedia has connected wild leek with Allium ampeloprasum as a common name to refer wild plants.
Allium ampeloprasum: Allium ampeloprasum is a member of the onion genus Allium. The wild plant is commonly known as wild leek or broadleaf wild leek. As per my understanding, 'wild leek' in this last wikipedia link is used as a broad synonym for broadleaf wild leek.

All other sources have associated the common name 'wild leek' with Allium specie 'Allium tricoccum'. I think it wouldn't be right to map wild leek with Allium ampeloprasum sub species. Maybe we can use 'Broadleaf wild leek'?

Anoosha-Sehar commented 3 years ago

To understand sub-species, synonymy and taxon name of Allium ampeloprasum, just summarizing how currently they are categorized in FoodOn and in NCBITaxonomy

parent class (FoodOn): allium ampeloprasum has synonym: allium ampeloprasum, levant garlic, leek parent class (NCBI): Allium ampeloprasum Genbank common name: Leek Exact Synonym: Leek Synonym: Allium porrum

subclass (FoodOn): Allium ampeloprasum var. babingtonii But in NCBI, Allium ampeloprasum var. babingtonii is a subclass of Allium ampeloprasum subsp. ampeloprasum.

subclass (FoodOn): broadleaf wild leek plant has synonym: broadleaf wild leek, Allium ampeloprasum var. atroviolaceum, Allium ampeloprasum var. atroviolaceum (Boiss.) Regel Whereas, NCBI so far has not connected 'Allium atroviolaceum' as a varietal of Allium ampeloprasum. But according to ITIS database, TSN: 810180 -> synonym for Allium atroviolaceum has been accepted as'Allium ampeloprasum var. atroviolaceum', where common name is 'broadleaf wild leek'. Looks like it falls under the category of 'broadleaf wild leek'.

subclass (FoodOn):great-headed garlic plant has synonyms : great-headed garlic, levant garlic (levant garlic is also used above as a synonym for leek).

subclass (FoodOn): kurrat plant Synonyms: allium kurrat, broadleaf wild leek, wild leek, salad leek (wild leak and broadleaf wild leaf are already used as synonyms) (NCBI does not have this sub-specie right now).

Anoosha-Sehar commented 3 years ago

I think one possibility is to follow Wikipedia, as NCBI might not have information about all sub-species and taxons at this moment. According to Wikipedia and few other sources: Wild leek or Broadleaf wild leek are the common names for Allium ampeloprasum. Maybe we can use Broadleaf Wild leaf instead of Wild leak as mentioned before that wild leak is also a common name of another specie 'Allium tricoccum '. See wikipedia link here for Allium ampeloprasum

Allium ampeloprasum has been further differentiated into five cultivated vegetables or cultivars. (I think all these fall under 'broadleaf wild leek' category, as there also exist 'narrow leaf wild leek' category for few other species of Allium).

1-Leek Source: Species: Allium ampeloprasum L. Scientific name: Allium ampeloprasum L., Allium ampeloprasum 'Leek Group, Allium. ampeloprasum var. porrum, Allium porrum. Synonym: garden leek (as per ITIS- TSN: 42659 and New World Encyclopedia Anatomy: The edible part of the plant is a bundle of leaf sheaths that is sometimes erroneously called a stem or stalk. Rather than forming a tight bulb like the onion, the leek produces a long cylinder of bundled leaf sheaths. Cultivar group: Leek Group (other names are used, e.g. Porrum Group). Leek cultivars may be treated as a single cultivar group, e.g. as A. ampeloprasum 'Leek Group'. i) Summer leeks ii) Overwintering

2- Elephant garlic: Source: Subspecies->Allium ampeloprasum var. ampeloprasum Anatomy: Mature bulb is broken up into cloves. Synonym: great-headed garlic

3- Pearl onion: Source: Species: Allium ampeloprasum var. sectivum or A. ampeloprasum 'Pearl-Onion Group Cultivar Group: Pearl onion Synonym: button onion, baby onion or silverskin onions in the UK, or creamers in the US

4- Kurrat: Source: Synonym: Egyptian leek or salad leek Anatomy: This variety has small bulbs, and primarily the leaves are eaten. Scientific Name as per New World Encyclopedia: Allium ampeloprasum var. kurrat, Allium kurrat

5- Persian leek: Source: Subspecies: Allium ampeloprasum ssp. persicum Synonym: tareh

ddooley commented 3 years ago

Discussed in FoodOn curation call. Anoosha, is this a correct summary?: "Broadleaf wild leek" and "wild leek" should be made broad synonyms for the NCBITaxon "Allium tricoccum" species, and for the "A. ampeloprasum 'Leek Group'" subspecies, which needs its own class in FoodOn since there is no equivalent NCBITaxon class.