FoodOntology / foodon

The core repository for the FOODON food ontology project. This holds the key classes of the ontology; larger files and the results of text-mining projects will be stored in other repos.
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insects food products #197

Open marieALaporte opened 2 years ago

marieALaporte commented 2 years ago

@ddooley what do you think about reorganizing the insect food product branch a bit, following the grouping categories this listed here? I can work on a PR if that's ok. I was looking at adding a term for 'criquet food product'.

maweber-bia commented 2 years ago


I guess this should be done in response to the future and present needs in countries consuming insects in their diet! Please note that in FoodEX2(EFSA) there are some edible insects already listed as animal meat commodities (tissue raw primary commodities) :


Insects are also under "Arthropods" in the natural source hierarchy


I am interested in working towards "alignments" between FoodEx2 and FoodON whenever possible

Cheers, Magalie

ddooley commented 2 years ago

Great, we really appreciate your top-level insect branch by organism, Marie. And Magalie, the FoodEx2 insect list could be added as well. We will ensure NCBITaxon references for the mentioned insects under the organism Eukaryota branch directly). As well, the reduced, more navigable hierarchy of "food product organismal source" is a second route to the same organisms, and is a hierarchy we can organize the FoodEx2 Arthropods under. The insects and arachnids mentions organisms in various life stages, which we would mint new FoodOn terms for, hopefully with UBERON life stage axioms incorporated.

ddooley commented 2 years ago

Maria, going forward, we plan to curate/move the insect and other organism branches that are in the foodon-edit.owl file directly, into the appropriate FoodOn Robot Tables tabs. I'll talk with Anoosha about how we should set this up, but I think they fit under the "animals" tab. Then we could get your help curating those rows in tabular fashion. We would add animals in various life stages there (larvae, eggs, etc). We've already done this for seafood as a separate tab btw.