FoodOntology / foodon

The core repository for the FOODON food ontology project. This holds the key classes of the ontology; larger files and the results of text-mining projects will be stored in other repos.
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FoodOn recipe model #208

Open ddooley opened 2 years ago

ddooley commented 2 years ago

We are iterating a model of a flexible food recipe that has a fair bit of detail in it about the ingredients, devices, processes, and actions/steps that go into it. It is designed to be plug-and-play with OBO Foundry. It will be described in detail in an upcoming paper. For now, here is a preview diagram (which shows a simplification from the paper diagram in that a simple 'has part' connects from food recipe to its ingredient and other specifications; this was from OBI curation group feedback):


As well there is the possibility of gathering each kind of part of the recipe plan specification:


So the ingredient set is basically a shopping list. Possibly each of the sets can have subsets (so e.g. the ingredients for the dressing, vs those for the salad).

Finally, each ingredient specification may indicate an amount of the food material, as a number or a proportion.


This builds on COB data framework being finalized in:


Feedback appreciated.

ddooley commented 2 years ago

FoodOn has minted ids for this model. A remaining question is whether we really need "step specificaiton" or if we can make do with IAO "action specification"? The IAO term doesn't explicitly state that an action can be a process which is generalized to a discrete step.




Thoughts about "action specification"?

maweber-bia commented 2 years ago

This needs clarification but I do not think that we have to make a distinction between action specification and step specification : what would be the difference ?

I think we can have an action specification attached to each step of the process ?

ddooley commented 2 years ago

If in fact the action specification and step specification are the same, or if action specification can take on what we want to do with step specification, then I need to deprecate step specification in favour of action specification (which I only recently learned about). IAO action specification as a subclass of "directive information entity" is vague - but because of that we could reuse it to our own purpose. We could have it itself take on all the properties of a plan specification, performed by a process and with objective and action parts. I'm ok with using "action specification" that way, if you are, Magalie!

ddooley commented 2 years ago

But this means we no longer mention "step specification" in the ontology, except as a synonym for action specification.

ddooley commented 1 year ago

I have deprecated step specification in favour of action specification.

StroemPhi commented 1 year ago

There are two questions I have about the graphic in

  1. Why do you use the "component of" relation (which I couldn't find in RO) and not just "bfo:part of"?
  2. Why is the setting datum not also part of (component of) the device specification, when the definition of the latter is: "A directive information entity which specifies a device and its settings for use within a plan specification."?

I can see that in the context of a food recipe the setting datum is a part of an action to be taken and thus part of the action specification. But when we have a context in which the device specification is part of an "iao:protocol" that is described in the experimental section of a paper (e.g. We set the laser power to 300 mW.), the setting datum would imho rather be a part of the device specification, as the action was performed in the past. I'm asking this, as I need to model such information in a research data management context. And I'd love to not just relate the "iao:setting datum" to the "obi:assay" via "obi:has specified input" but also via a "foodon:device specification" that is part of an "iao:protocol".

ddooley commented 1 year ago

Hi Philip,

Thanks for feedback!
On no. 1, we've backed off using "component of" for parts diagrammed above, and now just intend to use "part of". "Component of" was thought of as the inverse of "has component". (Had thought earlier of wanting it to specify cardinality - e.g. "has 1 device set", but realizing we don't really need cardinality restrictions).

BTW happy to see if OBI or COB or a new material processing ontology will take on "ingredient / device / instruction set and ingredient and device specification", they aren't specific to food, or for biomedical devices either.

Also, I get why some process modelling had a device be an input to a process. A process can be done to a device itself, for example, calibrating it, or changing its state (e.g. opening its door). Aside from that, there are a few OBI relations to connect a device to some process it fully or partly enables ("capable of part of"/"capable of"/"enables") which facilitate plug-and-play device selection.

On no. 2, that's challenging - it illustrates the interconnection between process actions and objectives. "Setting datum" ("reflecting the configuration of an instrument") can be a bit ambiguous in a temporal world. A calliper is immediately at a given setting. An oven door open/closed is too, but oven temperature isn't, and so the setting translates to more of an objective it takes time to achieve! I've seen protocols often contain either of these expressions:

Can we have a "device specification" (or some new class?) be limited to the set of features and range of capabilities a device has (e.g. oven temp range 0 to 500 degrees, 1000W max energy consumption, 20L capacity, etc.). Then find a way to express settings/conditions for a device (or class of them) with respect to a process that utilizes it.

Under the hood, I think a plan specification "action specification" often entails a sub-process + objective(s)? Here are 3 protocol step examples:

Framing it this way suggests we should just treat preconditions and "setting datums"/action steps within a protocol in the same way. Setting datums that need to be done initially (and which may or may not have immediate effect) could be organized in a "setup" section of a protocol / action specification. Generally, setting datums that are invoked during a process are likely tied/compartmentalized into subprocesses that are optionally modelled further.

ddooley commented 1 year ago

But maybe that still leaves some confusion between a device specification - about what a device provides - and a specification of what a process itself needs for a device that performs some function.

StroemPhi commented 1 year ago

Hi @ddooley, Thank you for the quick and thorough reply! Great examples and thoughts. I agree that having these classes in OBI or COB might be better to keep the pattern graspable. I have some further thoughts and questions on this, but unfortunately, no time atm to write them up. I will try to come back to this next month. Please ping me, if I forget.