FoodOntology / foodon

The core repository for the FOODON food ontology project. This holds the key classes of the ontology; larger files and the results of text-mining projects will be stored in other repos.
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fructose terms in FOODON hierarchy #99

Open LCCarmody opened 4 years ago

LCCarmody commented 4 years ago

I was trying to get terms for fructose-rich foods, but I found fructose terms in numerous places in FOODON. fructose
FOODON:03316754 fructose product
FOODON:03301305 high fructose syrup
FOODON:03420272 corn syrup high fructose

Are in slightly different branches. I will try to think about this harder about how I think the relationships should be, but I think high fructose syrup and corn syrup high fructose should be children of fructose product. I'm not sure how fructose (both Foodon term and imported CHEBI term) should relate.

ddooley commented 4 years ago

You hit on a to-do issue - the 'food product type (to be processed)' still has items in it which we need to whittle down. I'll move fructose product under 'sugar syrup or syrup solids' and attach the syrups there.

ddooley commented 4 years ago

Also I believe in the latest draft, FoodOn fructose has been relabeld to "crystaline fructose" and has definition: "A commercial product which is monosaccharide fructose, dried, ground, and of high purity." which reflects its origin in the SIREN database of food products.

ddooley commented 4 years ago

Thinking though that 'sugar' itself, or 'sugar syrup or syrup solids' should have a home under 'sweetener food product' too.

LCCarmody commented 4 years ago

Thanks. DIdn't think it through too much, but definitely wanted to make a ticket. I know it needs more thought. No hurry, but MAXO will be using fructose food product and syrup terms.

ddooley commented 4 years ago

They're now organized in latest draft!

LCCarmody commented 4 years ago


ddooley commented 3 years ago

We need product definitions for this branch of "fructose food product": Leigh at moment this doesn't have anything more than high fructose corn syrup. Have you identified other foods that should be in this class?

LCCarmody commented 3 years ago

These requests are for people with High fructose Intollerence or glycogen storage disease.

Mayo clinic "People who have fructose intolerance should limit high-fructose foods, such as juices, apples, grapes, watermelon, asparagus, peas and zucchini. Some lower fructose foods — such as bananas, blueberries, strawberries, carrots, avocados, green beans and lettuce — may be tolerated in limited quantities with meals.

Read product labels carefully and avoid foods containing:

Fructose High-fructose corn syrup Honey Agave syrup Invert sugar Maple-flavored syrup Molasses Palm or coconut sugar Sorghum"

"Avoid sugar, fruits, fruit juice, high-fructose corn syrup, sorbitol, cane juice, and other foods that cannot be broken down into glucose."