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UI Kit Migration: MDC -> Bulma #250

Closed grimsteel closed 1 year ago

github-actions[bot] commented 2 years ago

Visit the preview URL for this PR (updated for commit fa6e857):

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IMGROOT2 commented 2 years ago

Is it a coincidence that precisely #250 is an entire UI migration?

grimsteel commented 2 years ago

Nothing is a coincidence here

grimsteel commented 1 year ago

@IMGROOT2 Please don't use two spaces for indentation Also, every text editor has their own form of formatting, and it's not worth it to make a huge commit just to add lines between style rules and to break up function declarations into 5 lines

The firebase import statements are also much longer now that each object is literally on its own line

In addition, imports should appear like import { object } from "module" but instead they are like import {object} from "module" now

While formatting is supposed to make code more readable, it is sometimes significantly easier to navigate through when you leave it unformatted, which is what I was doing...

IMGROOT2 commented 1 year ago

I hate git