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Link Help Center on Vocabustudy #253

Closed NikG978 closed 2 years ago

NikG978 commented 2 years ago

I am asking for permission to create a page (similar to the pages we have for discord and credits) for our help center. I am not sure how advanced our help center is, and whether or not we even can do this

IMGROOT2 commented 2 years ago

I don't think I can give an executive decision here, but I'd say that the help center is much more important than the links in the footer, so keeping it at the top makes it easier to access. Also, could be an avenue we take with the help center?

grimsteel commented 2 years ago

I agree - the top gives it better visibility and also makes the footer less bloated

grimsteel commented 2 years ago

Also, could be an avenue we take with the help center?

I can set up a redirect rn - will redirect to the current help center page

NikG978 commented 2 years ago

Currently it is not linked period, do you want me to do that

grimsteel commented 2 years ago
