Closed APoinas closed 3 years ago
Hi @APoinas! I have just activated the "Watch:All activity" and should now be warned when issues are raised 😅
Regarding your problem, have you tried the spatstat.core.plot.envelope function ?
No problem!
Unfortunately, when I try to call spatstat.core.plot.envelope I get
AttributeError: module 'spatstat.core' has no attribute 'plot'
Moreover, the issue doesn't appear just for "envelope" type objects. For example,
Kestim = Kest(rpoispp(100))
in R gives while
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import rpy2.robjects as robjects
from rpy2.robjects import numpy2ri
from spatstat_interface.interface import SpatstatInterface
from spatstat_interface.utils import convert_r_df_to_pandas_df
spatstat = SpatstatInterface(update=True)
spatstat.import_package("core", "geom", update=False)
Kestim = spatstat.core.Kest(spatstat.core.rpoispp(100))
base = robjects.packages.importr("base")
in python gives Here, the plot function is applied to an object of class "fv".
As another example consider this R code simulating a DPP and plotting it:
rho0 = 100
alpha0 = 0.05
S_length = 2
S = simulate(dppBessel(lambda=rho0, alpha=alpha0, sigma=0, d=2), 1, W=owin(c(0,S_length), c(0,S_length)))
gives When trying to do the same in python:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import rpy2.robjects as robjects
from rpy2.robjects import numpy2ri
from spatstat_interface.interface import SpatstatInterface
from spatstat_interface.utils import convert_r_df_to_pandas_df
spatstat = SpatstatInterface(update=True)
spatstat.import_package("core", "geom", update=False)
rho = 100
alpha = 0.05
sigma = 0
d = 2
params = {"lambda": rho, "alpha": alpha, "sigma": sigma, "d": d}
my_dpp = spatstat.core.dppBessel(**params)
bound = robjects.FloatVector([0, 2])
window = spatstat.geom.owin(xrange=bound, yrange=bound)
rsample = spatstat.core.simulate_dppm(my_dpp, W=window)
we get which is closer to the R output but still different. And in this case, the object we plot is of type "detpointprocfamily".
First let's compare what is comparable
print(packageVersion("spatstat.core")) # 2.3.0
rho = 100
alpha = 0.05
sigma = 0
d = 2
my_dpp = spatstat.core::dppBessel(lambda=rho, alpha=alpha, sigma=sigma, d=d)
bound = c(0, 2)
window = spatstat.geom::owin(xrange=bound, yrange=bound)
rsample = spatstat.core::simulate.dppm(my_dpp, W=window)
env = spatstat.core::envelope(rsample, spatstat.core::Kest, nsim=199)
import rpy2.robjects as robjects
from spatstat_interface.utils import convert_r_df_to_pandas_df
from spatstat_interface.interface import SpatstatInterface
spatstat = SpatstatInterface(update=True)
spatstat.import_package("core", "geom", update=True)
spatstat.core.__version__ # 2.3-0
rho = 100
alpha = 0.05
sigma = 0
d = 2
params = {"lambda": rho, "alpha": alpha, "sigma": sigma, "d": d}
my_dpp = spatstat.core.dppBessel(**params)
bound = robjects.FloatVector([0, 2])
window = spatstat.geom.owin(xrange=bound, yrange=bound)
rsample = spatstat.core.simulate_dppm(my_dpp, W=window)
env = spatstat.core.envelope(rsample, spatstat.core.Kest, nsim=199)
spatstat.core.plot_envelope(env) # note the _ instead of the . in plot_envelope
In both cases I obtain
Error in NextMethod("plot", main = main) :
'NextMethod' called from an anonymous function
I find this very weird, but let's assume that's the normal behavior.
renders a nice plot as you posted above
base = robjects.packages.importr("base")
doesn't render any plot, but
R/rpy2 DataFrame (4 x 5)
lty col key label meaning
... ... ... ... ...
R/rpy2 DataFrame (513 x 5)
r | obs | theo | lo | hi
-- | -- | -- | -- | --
... | ... | ... | ... | ...
in a VSCode notebook. What is your IDE ?
More generally, I think the plotting has nothing to do with the spatstat-interface package as it is a very simple wrapper based on rpy2. We should probably have a look at how rpy2 handles graphics, see, e.g., the graphics section in rpy2's documentation.
Nevertheless, one can simply use pandas.DataFrame as the Python counterpart of R DataFrame Simply run the following, you should get something that looks similar to what you're looking for
from spatstat_interface.utils import convert_r_df_to_pandas_df
df = convert_r_df_to_pandas_df(env)
Yeah, it's pretty weird that we get different results. My IDE is Spyder so it could be IDE related.
I didn't know I could call plot.envelope in R by using plotenvelope with a . Although, when I run your first python code in I get a different error message than you do:
RRuntimeError: Error in verifyclass(X, "fv") : argument ‘X’ is not of class ‘fv’
It's pretty weird.
Although, when I run your first python code in #1 (comment) I get a different error message than you do:
RRuntimeError: Error in verifyclass(X, "fv") : argument ‘X’ is not of class ‘fv’
It's pretty weird.
The reason may be that you don't work with the latest version of the packages
# R
print(packageVersion("spatstat.core")) # 2.3.0
# Python
spatstat.core.__version__ # 2.3-0
I didn't know I could call plot.envelope in R by using plotenvelope with a .
In R it's with a ., in Python using rpy2 it's a _
You're right, it seems that I have the latest version of spatstat in R but not in Python where it's version 2.2.0 that is loaded. Using "update=true" when loading the packages in python doesn't seem to change it. Although, at least that explains the different outputs.
After internal discussions, it seems that it's difficult to replicate the general behaviour of the plot function in R. Although, there seems to be some workaround.
Using spatstat.core.plot_fv(env) works for plotting envelopes; Using spatstat.core.plot_fv(Kest) works for plotting Ripley's function estimates.
Also, the version of spatstat.core absolutely needs to be 2.3-0.
A lot of objects in spatstat have their own behaviour when you run "plot(name_of_the_object)" but I'm having trouble replicating this behaviour in python. For example, here is a code in R doing a rank envelope test to test if some data is generated from a Poisson PP.
The resulting plot is then
But, when I tried to do the same thing with spatstat-interface using the following code:
The resulting plot is then which is definitely not what we want.
Could there be a way we can replicate with spatsat-interface the behaviour of the plot function applied to spatstat objects?