ForEvolve / bootstrap-dark

Bootstrap 4 dark theme that supports togging dark/light themes as well. There is no fluff, it changes the color of Bootstrap and that's it, no new thing to learn or unlearn, just Bootstrap, but Dark!
MIT License
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Add support for prefers-color-scheme #39

Closed Carl-Hugo closed 3 years ago

Carl-Hugo commented 4 years ago

Based on the following work (waiting for the whole "doc" to be written): vinorodrigues/bootstrap-dark

What needs to be done:

Quick search, maybe the following tool could be of some help: css/csso Otherwise, coding a "color extractor" from the SCSS files should be doable, like:

I'm open to ideas or existing tools that could be used to help with this. I'm also open to contributions (please validate your ideas here before spending hours on a PR that could get rejected).

RAnders00 commented 4 years ago

This won't work in IE 10 and 11, which don't support prefers-color-scheme (or any other browser that does not support that media query). (Bootstrap 4 supports IE 10 and 11:

<!DOCTYPE html>
#colorbox {
    background-color: red;

@media (prefers-color-scheme: light) {
    #colorbox {
        background-color: green;

@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {
    #colorbox {
        background-color: blue;
<div id="colorbox" style="min-width: 100px; min-height: 100px;"></div>

renders a red box on IE 11, and a green/blue box on modern browsers.

Maybe the styles for light theme have to be repeated to work on older browsers too? Or rather, since light theme was the default for those browsers anyways, just do away with the prefers-color-scheme: light altogether?

Carl-Hugo commented 4 years ago

The plan is to generate one or more new css files. Those files won't be compatible with older browsers (due to prefers-color-scheme). So if someone must support older browsers, he can use the .bootstrap-dark and .bootstrap alternatives. However, someone that does not would be able to use the new prefers-color-scheme version.

RAnders00 commented 4 years ago

My point is, if you just put the styles for the light theme first, not surrounded by any media query, and then follow that by the prefers-color-scheme: dark media block, then it will work nicely in older browsers too. As far as I can see there will be no need to exclude older browsers using this method.

Carl-Hugo commented 4 years ago

My point is, if you just put the styles for the light theme first, not surrounded by any media query, and then follow that by the prefers-color-scheme: dark media block, then it will work nicely in older browsers too. As far as I can see there will be no need to exclude older browsers using this method.

Oh... Not what I understood, my bad. I'll consider this for sure. Thanks.

On another note, do you know of a good way to automatically keep only all colors from a [S]CSS file? That's one of the things that I'm trying to achieve (without manually navigating a CSSTree data-structure if possible).