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Suggestion: Create user profiles for saving multiple customizations and settings #234

Open TrefoilHat opened 4 years ago

TrefoilHat commented 4 years ago

As the number of customizations increase (paddle settings, mask, grip type, eventually what training has been completed, ball machine settings, and who knows what else), it'll be harder to hand your HMD to someone new, or share the HMD with a friend/significant other/kid/whatever.

Eleven is a great "starter" VR game, but an advanced player would have things tuned to their level - and handing the game to a beginner might mean changing grip, rubber, and starting the new player through a tutorial again.

Eleven should allow you to save all settings into a named "slot." If multiple people use the HMD, they can just pick their settings by name to quickly change configurations. If you're at a VR party or family event, you can create a "Guest" set of settings and select that, knowing you can undo any customizations (like paddle position or dominant hand) between players by just resetting that to defaults. When the party is over, just pick your own slot and delete Guest.

IMO, you could set one slot as default and not be prompted - changing would require the menu. If no slot is the default, the game could prompt for the settings to use when the game starts to facilitate shared HMDs. But the no-prompt default option keeps the game from throwing up an extra menu for people that are sole users of the HMD.

Llamalland commented 4 years ago

Would love to have the ability to either lock out profiles from playing rated games so they can't affect your or others' ratings, and for some profiles to be allowed to have their own ratings. I'd love my girlfriend to have her own ETT profile and rating on my account since she doesn't have her own headset, and I'd love to play left-handed sometimes with its own rating (especially when no one wants to play a high ranked player).

Might be worth putting in warnings that smurfing is discouraged or something like that, if this ever happens.