ForNeVeR / ExtDiff

Compare documents using MS Word from the command line.
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Add bat file for easy execution and integration with other tools #3

Closed jtpereyda closed 7 years ago

jtpereyda commented 7 years ago

Added bat file for easy execution from command line and easy passing to other tools.

This makes it easy to integrate with git difftool (this might be possible without the bat file but I'm not sure exactly how):

[difftool "word"]
    cmd = C:/path/to/ExtDiff/diff-word.bat \"$LOCAL\" \"$REMOTE\" 

It took me some research time to get here so I thought I'd share.

ForNeVeR commented 7 years ago

While that could be possible without the bat file, but I think that anything that make the life easier for non-PowerShell users is a good thing in general. Thanks, I'll add some final fixes and merge that tonight.

ForNeVeR commented 7 years ago

Thanks for the contribution!