ForTheCrown / FTC

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Valentine #20

Closed ForTheWout closed 1 year ago

ForTheWout commented 1 year ago

Valentines day stuff we can do

Setup a valentines day package in webstore, with some lovey-dovey cosmetic particles and a perk on your current marriage? Idk what the perk would be tho, something silly

Setup get supplies for harold's date quest for valentine shulker

crown event ideas:

  • build comp: theme marriage or something

  • time challenge: Have area with breedable passive mobs in static places, give player 1 of each item to feed mob. Goal is to feed all > animals their item as fast as you can. Once all fed stop timer and tp out

  • Don't fail challenge: Have sections where player has to do a task. Each section would have to be built. Once player enters: do section 1 ->tp to 2 -> do section 2 -> tp to 3 -> do 3 -> ...; keep going until they fail. Score = sections done in a row. Tp player out when failed. For example: 1) lure chicken to other (stuck) one with seed within time 2) go find a poppy and give it to iron golem within time (hide between other flowers) 3) Ride a strider to another (stuck) one within time 4) snipe two villagers with a love arrow as if you're cupid (with limited amount of arrows) 5) Turn off redstone lamps, light candles around a bed and play music disc within time (hehe) Idk stuff like that. Idea is that as you progress the challenges become harder to complete without failing (less time in most cases). > > Randomize order of challenges each run?

  • Other ideas?

Setup a new emote, unlocked for all for a bit, locked afterwards. Unlock permanently by doing something like doing well in crown event

Change server icon lol

Change the color of the FTC letter display in hazel to pink/red and build a heart around it