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Waypoints Rework #27

Closed JulieWoolie closed 9 months ago

JulieWoolie commented 9 months ago


The Redstone feature should only work when you click on the side of a block and only for blocks with no blocks below them.

Waypoint creation should fail if: the would-be platform below the waypoint contains blocks a player cannot remove by hand (eg: Bedrock)

Retain resident sign behaviors from before, if one resident text says ["Resident:", ""], if more, sign displays ["Residents:", ""]

The "Right-Click to edit waypoint" sign could have a per-player renderer attached to it so everyone except the owner of the waypoint sees something different, for example: "NON OWNER DETECTED, EXTERMINATE". This edit sign can probably have an embedded run_command action like /execute as @s run waypointgui <waypoint UUID> that opens the menu. This command itself would also check for the executing user's permissions.

Moving should work by placing the user in a list of players that are moving their waypoint. When that player next right clicks with Redstone to create a new waypoint, instead of creating a whole new one. It will make the pole, not checking for conditions like "Does the player already have a set waypoint", it just creates the waypoint, moves across properties, data, and residents from the previous pole to the new one, and then destroys the previous one.