ForceGT / Tata-Sky-IPTV

Generate direct m3u playlist for all the channels subscribed in the Tata Sky portal
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Some Subscribed channels not working #3

Closed rehank3g closed 3 years ago

rehank3g commented 3 years ago

Some channels not working like Sony BBC Earth HD.. can you please check and fix the issue.

ForceGT commented 3 years ago

Only channels that you have subscribed to in the Tata Sky portal will work If you find some channel that doesn't work kindly check if you've subscribed

Another reason could be that the allChannels.json file which I included here may have changed You can run the script using python to generate it again..Takes only a few seconds to a minute

Let me know if this fixes your problem

rehank3g commented 3 years ago

Sony BBC Earth is already subscribed. I tried to regenerate all channels.json file but getting error as shown in snap shot IMG_20210328_230636

ForceGT commented 3 years ago

Looks like some script issue Let me get to my laptop and I'll get back

ForceGT commented 3 years ago

Try again I commited some changes If not then here is the allChannels.json file which is freshly generated

Actually I am in the process of making some changes to the method of authentication and stuff so that you don't have to generate a playlist everyday but currently I am little busy so here is what I can do currently

rehank3g commented 3 years ago

Thanks a lot 🙏 working now and also subscribed channels started working.

I faced one more issue earlier.. login via OTP was not working for me so I logged in via SID and password.