FordArthur / chompailer

The official compiler for the Chorizo language (ChoriLang)
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Typechecking algorithm #2

Closed FordArthur closed 1 week ago

FordArthur commented 1 month ago

Since this is just an experimental project, it will be better if instead of copying some standard algorithm I try to develop my own

I will post the algorithm I have in mind here as I develop it

FordArthur commented 1 month ago

Since the AST for function definitions contain a pointer to the declaration of the function (which is null if is unspecified, and thus we need to infer it) and a pointer to all of the different function "implementations", we need to traverse all of the "implementations" and type check it against the declared type or/and it's other implementations

What it's not so clear to me is how I'm going to infer the type of a single function implementation. Specifically it's return type

FordArthur commented 1 month ago

Okay so,

Types will be represented with a vector of 64 bit values, in which each value either represents:

With this type representation, types are compared like:

How to iterate over declarations and implementations is trivial. The tricky part is how to infer the type of implementations. (I think) The following example covers every non-trivial case inferring implementations involve:

Suppose f a b c = a (b + c). We must find the types of a, b, c, and a (b + c). Call this last type value d.

We begin by solving for the expression's first argument, that is (b + c). + has type Num a => a, a -> a. We perform a substitution: b has type b, so after substituting it + is of type Num b => b, b -> b. c has type c. We cannot perform another substitution since all of the values in + have already been substituted. Therefore b is of type Num b => b, and so is c. Now, go back to a (b + c). + produces a Num b => b. Therefore a must take said type. Furthermore, a must produce a value of type d (Recall d was the type of the whole expression). Therefore a is of type Num b => b -> d. Solving for f's type is trivial now and may be even be exact in the implementation of this algorithm QED

FordArthur commented 1 month ago

This will involve rewriting some parts of the parser, so I'll probably also go ahead and try to fix making so many micro-allocations

FordArthur commented 1 week ago

Tfw it was just the Hindley–Milner typesystem