On a table A that has 2 relations X and Y with the same table B, when you edit a row of table A without X nor Y, if you create a new X, save the new X, and save the row of table A, the row will have only X set to the newly created B row.
Actual behavior
On a table A that has 2 relations X and Y with the same table B, when you edit a row of table A without X nor Y, if you create a new X, save the new X, and save the row of table A, the row will have X and Y set to the newly created B row.
Upgraded to latest versions and still reproducing it:
Package Version: 6.3.13
Express Version: 4.17.1
Sequelize Version: 5.15.2
Database Dialect: postgres
Database Version: 8.2.2
Was on:
Package Version: 6.3.6
Express Version: 4.17.1
Sequelize Version: 5.15.2
Database Dialect: postgres
Database Version: 6.1.6
Also reproduces on another project with:
Package Version: 6.1.4
Express Version: 4.17.1
Sequelize Version: 5.15.2
Database Dialect: postgres
Database Version: 6.1.6
Workaround is to remove X in table A and remove Y in table B, so that you can still set X and Y, but on different tables. It's a real pain for the user though, particularly because ForestAdmin doesn't support join relations when searching foreign entities. The user has to go to table A, search for the wanted row, copy the ID, then go to table B and set the relation by searching for the ID...
Expected behavior
On a table A that has 2 relations X and Y with the same table B, when you edit a row of table A without X nor Y, if you create a new X, save the new X, and save the row of table A, the row will have only X set to the newly created B row.
Actual behavior
On a table A that has 2 relations X and Y with the same table B, when you edit a row of table A without X nor Y, if you create a new X, save the new X, and save the row of table A, the row will have X and Y set to the newly created B row.
Failure Logs
No failure per se
Contact me for access to the ForestAdmin project.
Upgraded to latest versions and still reproducing it:
Was on:
Also reproduces on another project with:
Workaround is to remove X in table A and remove Y in table B, so that you can still set X and Y, but on different tables. It's a real pain for the user though, particularly because ForestAdmin doesn't support join relations when searching foreign entities. The user has to go to table A, search for the wanted row, copy the ID, then go to table B and set the relation by searching for the ID...