I would like to ignore some models during ForestAdmin mapping.
Actual behavior
I can specify only one dir and/or namespace for models mapping.
Failure Logs
Database connection [merchant] not configured.
at vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Database/DatabaseManager.php:161
157▕ // If the configuration doesn't exist, we'll throw an exception and bail.
158▕ $connections = $this->app['config']['database.connections'];
160▕ if (is_null($config = Arr::get($connections, $name))) {
➜ 161▕ throw new InvalidArgumentException("Database connection [{$name}] not configured.");
162▕ }
164▕ return (new ConfigurationUrlParser)
165▕ ->parseConfiguration($config);
+13 vendor frames
14 artisan:37
In my application I have one main database plus one database per clients (= merchants) : it's a multi-tenancy architecture. In order to that, in merchant database models I specify the DB connection like this :
protected $connection = 'merchant';
"merchant" is the connection name of a DB connection set on the fly, depending of the context.
Expected behavior
I would like to ignore some models during ForestAdmin mapping.
Actual behavior
I can specify only one dir and/or namespace for models mapping.
Failure Logs
In my application I have one main database plus one database per clients (= merchants) : it's a multi-tenancy architecture. In order to that, in merchant database models I specify the DB connection like this :
protected $connection = 'merchant';
"merchant" is the connection name of a DB connection set on the fly, depending of the context.
I simply would like to ignore these models.
For example like that :