ForestryMC / Binnie

Minecraft addons for the Forestry mod. Extra Bees, Extra Trees, Genetics, and more.
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made it possible to have separate jars - still some issues though #660

Open Trinsdar opened 4 years ago

Trinsdar commented 4 years ago

I made it possible to choose to not have botany, extra bees, or extra trees, however I haven't touched separating genetics from extra trees/bees since that one is a bit more complicated, and I also didn't touch design. So for now I've just made the bees and trees require genetics. I also moved the bee and moth breeding system classes and their static instances into Genetics since without extra bees/trees it would cause an illegal state exception for those systems not existing for the bees and butterflies species roots, even though logically it shouldn't be an issue cause forestry by itself already has butterflies and bees.

The separate jars build, but they build as deobsficated, which is not good, and I also noticed that the sub projects make builds, but I didn't just use those cause the non api ones don't include the api, and I don't know how to include from an outside source in those builds without using some gradle plugin to do that. If you have any better suggestions on how to do the building I'm all ears.

As for why I'm doing this now? cause I wanted a way to be able to use this mod in our pack while still only requiring 4 gigs, and the entirety of binnies jumped the ram usage up like a gig when it was added, so as is it wasn't usable.