ForestryMC / MagicBees

Repository for the MagicBees Minecraft mod - a Forestry addon.
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Rockin and Gelin not dropping Thermal Dynamics items #58

Closed DigitalSketch closed 6 years ago

DigitalSketch commented 6 years ago

I've run the Gelid and Rockin bees through multiple lifespans with no genetic modifications, and I can't get the Gelid to drop Cryotheum dust, and I can't get the Rockin to drop Petrotheum dust. JEI is telling me that there is a 9% chance for drops. The Pyro and Amped bees are dropping the secondary thermal item though.

I'm using the 1.12.2-3.1.9 version of Magic Bees.

Elec332 commented 6 years ago

Bees only produce their speciality if they are jubilant, which by default means they must be in a biome with the exact temerature & humidity the bees prefer, not just within the range of accepted values.