Type: Gameplay (objects which cannot be activated or other gameplay related bugs)
Summary: Compass & Armour Conflict
Details: The mod "Contractor Armor" chest piece de-equips "Compass", and vice versa.
Steps to reproduce: Equip either Compass or Contractor, and try equipping the other. It will strip the chest or the compass depending on what's equipped first.
Is bug?: Confirm
Read the readme?: Confirm
List Version: 1.0.1
Reproducable?: Yes
Discord Username: Aethasilia#1128
Rule 11?: No
Type: Gameplay (objects which cannot be activated or other gameplay related bugs)
Summary: Compass & Armour Conflict
Details: The mod "Contractor Armor" chest piece de-equips "Compass", and vice versa.
Steps to reproduce: Equip either Compass or Contractor, and try equipping the other. It will strip the chest or the compass depending on what's equipped first.
Crash log: