Forien / foundryvtt-forien-armoury

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Some of the Weapons details are wrong #11

Closed hamofficer closed 4 years ago

hamofficer commented 4 years ago

If you look at the newer version from the rat catchers guild just to be sure not that most stuff is affected just for the 3 things that are changed

I wrote both you and the man who makes DasSauerkraut /wfrp-gwmwg since both of you have the mistake


List of errors in order from top to buttom: the Bear Spear needs to deal SB+3 damage instead +4

the pickaxe needs to be in the Two-handed group but is in the Polearm group

the Woodcutter's Axe needs to be in the Two-handed group but is in the Polearm group

the knife is worth nothing but should be worth 8/-

The Rapiers icon is not taken aka error but is in the folder wfrp4e/icons/equipment/weapons/Rapier.png

The Foil icon is not taken aka error but is in the folder wfrp4e/icons/equipment/weapons/Foil.png

The Mace icon doesn't show up correctly in the compedium browser aka the buttom right

The great needs to deal sb+6 damage instead of +4

The swordbreakers avaibility should be scarce instead of rare

The Daggers Icon is missing and should be wfrp4e/icons/equipment/weapons/Dagger.png or dagger2.png

The Morgenstern icon doesn't show up correctly in the compedium browser aka the buttom right

The Warhammer should be named War Hammer and needs to deal sb+4 instead of sb+5, Also it should be only worth 2gc but is 3gc, the quality slow is also wrong (I later noticed the weapon is completly missing cuz I confused warhammer and war hammer which are completly sepperate weapons but war hammer is missing

The Pike Icon is missing and should be wfrp4e/icons/equipment/weapons/Pike.png

The Halberd Icon is missing and should be wfrp4e/icons/equipment/weapons/Halberd.png

The Estoc Icon is missing

see Warhammer entry for war hammer problem

Horseman's Pick should have Impact, Pummel instead of slashing

The description text is all over the place aka mostly wrong but its not of importance and I only noticed that when I Read the last weapon possible that more weapons are affected by that description mistake.

Forien commented 4 years ago

Hey @hamofficer , thanks for the info!

I'm not really following the Rat Catchers Guild (I think is what they are called), I simply integrated data from GWMWG module by DasSauerkraut. If you could provide me with PDF it would be great. (unless you listed every single disceprancy, and if you did, you are a hero!)

As for icons, I believe it's issue with Linux systems being case-sensitive about filenames, will fix that in next update. All icons are there and working on Windows, but yes, I checked on my Linux server and paths are broken.

Forien commented 4 years ago


As for all other issues you mentioned that I haven't pointed above, I fixed them. Will be available in new version (0.2.5)