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Create URL Shortener #15

Closed aniketakumari closed 12 months ago

aniketakumari commented 12 months ago

Pull Request: URL Shortener with User-Friendly Interface

I'm thrilled to submit a pull request for the URL shortener task. This Python script is designed with the following user-friendly features:

Key Features:

  1. Shorten long URLs with unique short codes.
  2. Expand short codes to retrieve the original URLs.
  3. An interactive menu for user input and guidance.
  4. Proper error handling for a smooth user experience.

How It Works:

  1. Choose to shorten or expand a URL.
  2. Enter the URL to shorten or the short code to expand.
  3. Get immediate results with clear messages.

This contribution aims to enhance user interaction and make URL management effortless. Please review my pull request at your convenience.

Thank you for considering my contribution.

Best regards, Aniketa