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Added SkyCast Weather App with Geolocation and Forecasting #45

Closed Devparihar5 closed 8 months ago

Devparihar5 commented 8 months ago

Merge Request Description: This merge request introduces the "SkyCast" Weather App, a Streamlit-based application that allows users to fetch and display current weather information and weather forecasts for a specified location. The application leverages geolocation to retrieve latitude and longitude coordinates for a given city, making it easy for users to access weather data. It includes two main features:

  1. Today's Weather:

    • Users can enter a city name, and upon submission, the app retrieves and displays the current weather details for that location.
    • Weather information includes temperature, wind speed, cloud coverage, visibility, weather description, wind direction, UV index, and dew point.
    • The date and time of the weather report are also presented.
  2. Forecast Weather:

    • Users can input a city name and specify the number of days they want to forecast.
    • Upon submission, the app retrieves and displays a weather forecast for the specified number of days.
    • Forecasted data includes temperature, wind speed, cloud coverage, visibility, weather description, wind direction, UV index, and dew point.
    • Additionally, a line chart is generated to visualize the temperature forecast over the selected days.

This merge request enhances user experience and weather data accessibility. It integrates geolocation for easy location retrieval and presents the data in a user-friendly, visually appealing manner using Streamlit. The codebase is organized into a class structure, making it modular and maintainable. Please review and merge these changes to make SkyCast available to users.