ForkGG / Fork-legacy

Fork: Minecraft Server Manager GUI for Windows
MIT License
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Crashes on startup #16

Closed Petrosado closed 3 years ago

Petrosado commented 3 years ago

After adding the first server to the list it crashed and then continuosly crashed on startup ill get to the UI but even if i dont press anything it crashes

ChristianKernDev commented 3 years ago

Can you send the errorlog from %appdata%/Fork/logs

Also make sure you use the latest version (0.7.6)

Petrosado commented 3 years ago

errorLog.txt Here Iam using it for the fisrt time and i have the latest version consoleLog.txt

ChristianKernDev commented 3 years ago

One possible fix is to delete the folder: %AppData%/Fork/players

Petrosado commented 3 years ago

One possible fix is to delete the folder: %AppData%/Fork/players

Wont it delete everyones inventory?

ChristianKernDev commented 3 years ago

No that are just the cached player informations for fork

Petrosado commented 3 years ago

No that are just the cached player informations for fork

Still crashed

ChristianKernDev commented 3 years ago

Still the same error in the erro log?

Petrosado commented 3 years ago

Still the same error in the erro log?

errorLog.txt Seems like it

ChristianKernDev commented 3 years ago

Ok have you tried reinstalling fork, by deleting the whole fork folder? But make sure to save the server files somewhere

ChristianKernDev commented 3 years ago

Open the Task manager and look for java.exe and fork.exe tasks

Petrosado commented 3 years ago

Open the Task manager and look for java.exe and fork.exe tasks

Still crases even after reinstalling

ChristianKernDev commented 3 years ago

Are you importing a server or creating a nwe one?

Petrosado commented 3 years ago

Are you importing a server or creating a nwe one?


ChristianKernDev commented 3 years ago

Can you send me the server files you try to import, or do they contain any sensitive information?

Petrosado commented 3 years ago

Can you send me the server files you try to import, or do they contain any sensitive information?

The world file is half a gigabyte so i dont think i can send it Edit : Im uploading it to mediafire

Petrosado commented 3 years ago Ngrok.exe is a program that i use because i cant port foward it takes localhost(Port) and They make a server that when someone send something to that server it redirects it to my localhost. atlest i think thats what it does

ChristianKernDev commented 3 years ago

Ok i can't figure out the problem right now sorry, i will debug it later, but today is kinda stressful sorry

Petrosado commented 3 years ago

Ok i can't figure out the problem right now sorry, i will debug it later, but today is kinda stressful sorry

Its alright i hope youll have a nice day

ChristianKernDev commented 3 years ago

Ok i found the source of the issue: The whitelist.json contains a player with the name set to 60e6c610-ab30-3f4e-9c48-fe18da605f68 which is invalid and mojang API returns a 400 Bad Request which is not handled by Fork

Quick Fix: Delete that entry from the whitelist.json file (It is probably invalid anyway)

I will patch this issue with the next update. Thanks for reporting

Petrosado commented 3 years ago

Ok i found the source of the issue: The whitelist.json contains a player with the name set to 60e6c610-ab30-3f4e-9c48-fe18da605f68 which is invalid and mojang API returns a 400 Bad Request which is not handled by Fork

Quick Fix: Delete that entry from the whitelist.json file (It is probably invalid anyway)

I will patch this issue with the next update. Thanks for reporting

thank you It worked! but i had to also remove it from the playerdata file