ForkGG / Fork-legacy

Fork: Minecraft Server Manager GUI for Windows
MIT License
102 stars 15 forks source link

Small UI adjustment for IP #22

Open mgilardi opened 3 years ago

mgilardi commented 3 years ago

Hi there!

The work you've put into this server wrapper is wonderful. Its a great departure from the other monotonous and cumbersome wrappers - nice job!

One quick tidbit - I noticed that the IP:Port displayed on the bottom left of the app (next to 'Copy') when viewing a server is visually ignoring the server-ip set in The actual server works just fine with my custom server-ip (I'm using Hamachi), but it's displaying my computer's IP versus the custom server-ip.

This is by no means a deal breaker, and I don't mind it being there, I just thought I'd bring it up since I didn't see it after glancing at your Trello board.

Thanks again for your hard work!

ChristianKernDev commented 3 years ago

Thanks, glad you like it.

Yes this field is always showing the external ip of the current machine. Changing it to the server-ip value would not be a good idea, as server-ip should be empty for 99% of all servers, so the server listens to all ips.

Maybe i should make it show the server-ip if set or something like that.

mgilardi commented 3 years ago

Ah, yeah, that makes sense. If it wouldn't muddle the UI too much, you could shrink the existing one and put the server-ip under at the same smaller font size. That assumes both would be usable to have.

ChristianKernDev commented 3 years ago

Yeah I‘ll figure something out. Thanks

ChristianKernDev commented 2 years ago

Just because it has been so long and i answered all other issues: This is still planned but for the reworked Fork

42sol-eu commented 2 years ago

I was wondering over this also. Due to a quarantine I had to get a interconnected setup two my brother in laws house. The setup was quite easy (I used a small wire guard service with a Scandinavian name) and all went well.

My thought: It would be great to give the server admin a bit control over this field. The copy button is really great and would work with the Discord channel IF only the IP I would need there be in it.

I downloaded the code today and made a test run with Visual Code. I will check how I can solve my special case (getting the actual VPN IP and displaying it there with the shared / forwarded port).

Because I use every opportunity to teach my kids more about my guild (mechatronics engineer) I would like them to use this IP:port on their PCs/Macs.

Beeing a software engineer with GUI skills myself I would suggest the option to put a combobox or a scrollbox there to have all the PCs IP addresses to choose from. I might look into that also.

Everything hopefully nice and readable in a pull request to be used OR not in your great project

ChristianKernDev commented 2 years ago

As mentioned in #35 Fork is currently undergoing major reworks and i appreciate that you want to contribute, but i think the effort would not be worth it. You can contribute to the new version though if you'd like. Just hit me up on Discord or here and i will invite you to the new Repo (which is not public yet)