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The Last Ambiguity #17

Open suweining opened 9 years ago

suweining commented 9 years ago
  1. position of the last ambiguity

The last ambiguity appears when analyze the test tests/unit/ModesAndModeTransitions.aadl.The error message is the old one in the issue named "some internal errors while ' krun filename.k '".The main error message is: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.AssertionError: The greatest lower bound (GLB) of sorts [SubCmpAssocDef, ModalPpeValue]doesn't exist!

2.SubCmpAssocDef, ModalPpeValue in abstract syntax tree

First is about SubCmpAssocDef.

syntax SubCmp ::= Id Mcolon AbstractCmpCategory SubCmpAssocDef MSemicolon | ...... syntax SubCmpList ::= SubCmp | SubCmp SubCmpList syntax CmpImplAssocDefElem ::= Msubcomponents SubCmpList | .......

Second is about ModalPpeValue .

syntax PpeAssoc ::=UniPpeId MRoughArrow ModalPpeValue MSemicolon | ...... syntax ProtoTypePpeAssocList ::= PpeAssoc | PpeAssoc ProtoTypePpeAssocList syntax ProtoType ::= Id Mcolon ProtoTypeDef MBraceLeft ProtoTypePpeAssocList MBraceRight MSemicolon | ...... syntax ProtoTypeList ::= ProtoType | ProtoType ProtoTypeList syntax CmpImplAssocDefElem ::= Mprototypes ProtoTypeList
| ...... So CmpImplAssocDefElem is the least common ancestors in the abstract syntax tree. But ProtoTypeList begins with key word "prototypes" while SubCmpList begins with key word "subcomponents" and why they will overlap at the bottom of the abstract syntax tree.

3.reason of the last ambiguity

   As we have known that the errors such as "***doesn't exist!" are caused by overlapping syntax. According to the syntax we have defined,here we find out the overlapping part.
  The definatio of SubCmpAssocDef:

  syntax SubCmpAssocDef ::= SubCmpAssocDefElem 
        | SubCmpAssocDefElem SubCmpAssocDef 
 syntax SubCmpAssocDefElem ::= UniCmpClassifierRef 
        | UniCmpClassifierRef ProtoTypeBindings 
        | Id 
        | ArrayDimension
        | ArrayDimensions ArrayElementImplList 
        | CmpInModes 
        | AmbBracketLeftIdBracketRight
 syntax CmpInModes ::=  InModes
        | Min Mmodes MBracketLeft Id MRoughArrow Id MBracketRight
        | Min Mmodes MBracketLeft ModeName MComma ModeNameList MBracketRight 

The defination of ModalPpeValue : 
syntax ModalPpeValue ::= PpeValue InModes 
        | PpeValue InModes MComma ModalPpeValue
syntax PpeValue ::= SinglePpeValue 
        | PpeListValue
        | Id 

And we unfold the PpeValue :

    syntax PpeValue ::=   Id
        | BooleanTerm 
        | RealTerm 
        | IntegerTerm 
        | StringTerm 
        | EnumerationTerm 
        | UnitTerm 
        | RealRangeTerm 
        | IntegerRangeTerm 
        | PpeTerm 
        | CmpClassifierTerm 
        | RefTerm 
        | RecordTerm 
        | ComputedTerm 
        | MBracketLeft MBracketRight   //  和ArrayDimension中有相同的定义
        | MBracketLeft PpeListValue MBracketRight 
        | MBracketLeft PpeListValue MComma PpeListValueMidSymbol MBracketRight 
        | MBracketLeft PpeExpression MComma PpeListValueMidSymbol MBracketRight 
        | MBracketLeft PpeExpressionWithoutBooleanTerm MBracketRight 
        | AmbBracketLeftBooleanTermBracketRight 

It is clear that "InModes" may cause the overlap.

4 some try to eliminate the error

The defination of "SubCmpAssocDefElem SubCmpAssocDefElem" in SubCmpAssocDef is the position of the error.So we try to redefine the "SubCmpAssocDefElem SubCmpAssocDefElem".

step1) separate "SubCmpAssocDefElem SubCmpAssocDefElem" from the SubCmpAssocDef

syntax SubCmpAssocDef ::= SubCmpAssocDefElem // one SubCmpAssocDefElem
| SubCmpAssocDefElem SubCmpAssocDefElem // two SubCmpAssocDefElem
| SubCmpAssocDefElem SubCmpAssocDefElem SubCmpAssocDef // multy SubCmpAssocDefElem

redefine as below:

syntax SubCmpAssocDef ::= SubCmpAssocDefElem // one SubCmpAssocDefElem
| DoubleSubCmpAssocDefElemAdjust // two SubCmpAssocDefElem
| SubCmpAssocDefElem SubCmpAssocDefElem SubCmpAssocDef // multy SubCmpAssocDefElem

step2) define the "DoubleSubCmpAssocDefElemAdjust" We should pay more attention to CmpInModes and ArrayDimension because they can cause overlap. When we define the DoubleSubCmpAssocDefElemAdjust, we shall unfold "CmpInModes and ArrayDimension",thus remove the same syntax in PpeAssoc. Here is part of our defination about DoubleSubCmpAssocDefElemAdjust:

syntax DoubleSubCmpAssocDefElemAdjust ::= UniCmpClassifierRef Min Mmodes MBracketLeft Id MRoughArrow Id MBracketRight | UniCmpClassifierRef ProtoTypeBindings Min Mmodes MBracketLeft Id MRoughArrow Id MBracketRight | MLeftBracket ArrayDimensionSize MRightBracket Min Mmodes MBracketLeft Id MRoughArrow Id MBracketRight | ArrayDimensions ArrayElementImplList Min Mmodes MBracketLeft Id MRoughArrow Id MBracketRight | CmpInModes Min Mmodes MBracketLeft Id MRoughArrow Id MBracketRight | AmbBracketLeftIdBracketRight Min Mmodes MBracketLeft Id MRoughArrow Id MBracketRight | UniCmpClassifierRef Min Mmodes MBracketLeft ModeName MComma ModeNameList MBracketRight | UniCmpClassifierRef ProtoTypeBindings Min Mmodes MBracketLeft ModeName MComma ModeNameList MBracketRight | MLeftBracket ArrayDimensionSize MRightBracket Min Mmodes MBracketLeft ModeName MComma ModeNameList MBracketRight | ArrayDimensions ArrayElementImplList Min Mmodes MBracketLeft ModeName MComma ModeNameList MBracketRight | CmpInModes Min Mmodes MBracketLeft ModeName MComma ModeNameList MBracketRight | AmbBracketLeftIdBracketRight Min Mmodes MBracketLeft ModeName MComma ModeNameList MBracketRight

You can get the detal in Subcomponent.k

5 test

we krun the ModesAndModeTransitions.aadl and get the error message: [Error] Critical: Parse error: Syntax error near unexpected character '\n' File: ../tests/unit/ModesAndModeTransitions.aadl Location: (51,0,51,0) The position of the error is:

48: system implementation Gps.Secure extends Gps.Dual 49: subcomponents 50: Secure_Gps: process Gps_Sender.Secure in modes (Securemode); 51: connections .........

If we add "UniCmpClassifierRef AmbInModesBracketLeftIdBracketRight" in the DoubleSubCmpAssocDefElemAdjust ,the error will not appear,but this will cause the overlap error.

suweining commented 9 years ago

新的尝试: 需要明确的几点: 1)产生二义性的部分是关于InModes部分的 2)根据语法卡片,在SubCmpAssocDef 中,CmpInModes 出现在各个属性的后面 这样,我们可以把CmpInModes从各个属性的定义中独立出来,重新定义SubCmpAssocDef 。 SubCmpAssocDef原有的定义: syntax SubCmpAssocDef ::= SubCmpAssocDefElem | SubCmpAssocDefElem SubCmpAssocDef 重新定义为: syntax SubCmpAssocDef ::= SubCmpAssocDefMid // 这儿要对CmpInModes进行展开 | SubCmpAssocDefMid InModes | SubCmpAssocDefMid Min Mmodes MBracketLeft Id MRoughArrow Id MBracketRight | SubCmpAssocDefMid Min Mmodes MBracketLeft ModeName MComma ModeNameList MBracketRight

syntax SubCmpAssocDefMid ::= SubCmpAssocDefElem // Mid中并不包含CmpInModes
| SubCmpAssocDefElem SubCmpAssocDef

syntax SubCmpAssocDefElem ::= UniCmpClassifierRef | UniCmpClassifierRef ProtoTypeBindings | ArrayDimension | ArrayDimensions ArrayElementImplList // | CmpInModes // 将其独立出来单独存在 | MBraceLeft ContainedPpeAssoc MBraceRight | MBraceLeft PpeAssoc PpeContainedPpeAssocList MBraceRight | MBraceLeft ContainedPpeAssoc PpeContainedPpeAssocList MBraceRight | AmbBraceLeftPpeAssocBraceRight | AmbBracketLeftIdBracketRight 现在让我们看看ModalPpeValue 的定义: syntax ModalPpeValue ::= PpeValue InModes | PpeValue InModes MComma ModalPpeValue syntax PpeValue ::= SinglePpeValue | PpeListValue | Id 通过对SubCmpAssocDef 重新定义,可以更清晰的展示二义性的部分:

syntax SubCmpAssocDef ::=SubCmpAssocDefMid InModes 和 syntax ModalPpeValue ::= PpeValue InModes


suweining commented 9 years ago

将SubCmpAssocDefElem展开 SubCmpAssocDefElem 在工程中定义为: syntax SubCmpAssocDefElem ::= UniCmpClassifierRef | UniCmpClassifierRef ProtoTypeBindings

        | ArrayDimension
        | ArrayDimensions ArrayElementImplList 

        | MBraceLeft ContainedPpeAssoc  MBraceRight 
        | MBraceLeft PpeAssoc PpeContainedPpeAssocList MBraceRight 
        | MBraceLeft ContainedPpeAssoc PpeContainedPpeAssocList MBraceRight

        | AmbBraceLeftPpeAssocBraceRight
        | AmbBracketLeftIdBracketRight

其中, syntax UniCmpClassifierRef ::= UniCmpTypeRef | UniCmpImplRef syntax UniCmpTypeRef ::= PkgName syntax PkgName ::= AmbDoubleColonId
| Id MDoubleColon Id MDoubleColon PkgName syntax UniCmpImplRef ::= PkgName | Id MPoint Id | PkgName MDoubleColon Id MPoint Id

syntax UniCmpClassifierRef ::= AmbDoubleColonId
| Id MDoubleColon Id MDoubleColon PkgName | Id MPoint Id | PkgName MDoubleColon Id MPoint Id syntax ArrayDimension ::= MLeftBracket Numeral MRightBracket | MLeftBracket AmbDoubleColonId MRightBracket | MLeftBracket MRightBracket 因此,将SubCmpAssocDefElem展开为:

syntax SubCmpAssocDefElem ::= AmbDoubleColonId
| Id MDoubleColon Id MDoubleColon PkgName | Id MPoint Id | PkgName MDoubleColon Id MPoint Id

        | UniCmpClassifierRef ProtoTypeBindings 

        | MLeftBracket Numeral MRightBracket 
        | MLeftBracket AmbDoubleColonId MRightBracket 
        | MLeftBracket  MRightBracket

        | ArrayDimensions ArrayElementImplList 

        | MBraceLeft ContainedPpeAssoc  MBraceRight 
        | MBraceLeft PpeAssoc PpeContainedPpeAssocList MBraceRight 
        | MBraceLeft ContainedPpeAssoc PpeContainedPpeAssocList MBraceRight

        | AmbBraceLeftPpeAssocBraceRight
suweining commented 9 years ago

将PpeValue 展开

PpeValue 在工程中的定义为: syntax PpeValue ::= SinglePpeValue | PpeListValue | Id syntax SinglePpeValue ::= PpeExpression syntax PpeExpression ::= BooleanTerm | RealTerm | IntegerTerm | StringTerm | EnumerationTerm | UnitTerm | RealRangeTerm | IntegerRangeTerm | PpeTerm | CmpClassifierTerm | RefTerm | RecordTerm | ComputedTerm 终归为: syntax PpeValue ::= Id | BooleanTerm | RealTerm | IntegerTerm | StringTerm | EnumerationTerm | UnitTerm | RealRangeTerm | IntegerRangeTerm | PpeTerm | CmpClassifierTerm | RefTerm | RecordTerm | ComputedTerm | MBracketLeft MBracketRight // 和ArrayDimension中有相同的定义 | MBracketLeft PpeListValue MBracketRight | MBracketLeft PpeListValue MComma PpeListValueMidSymbol MBracketRight | MBracketLeft PpeExpression MComma PpeListValueMidSymbol MBracketRight | MBracketLeft PpeExpressionWithoutBooleanTerm MBracketRight | AmbBracketLeftBooleanTermBracketRight 这样展开的还不够彻底,不容易提取共同部分,例如BooleanTerm 的定义为

syntax BooleanTerm ::= BooleanValue | BooleanPpeConstantTerm | Mnot BooleanTerm | BooleanTerm Mand BooleanTerm | BooleanTerm Mor BooleanTerm syntax BooleanPpeConstantTerm ::= PpeConstantTerm

而PpeConstantTerm 的定义是AmbIdDoubleColonId,这个是与SubCmpAssocDefElem 相同的部分,所以根据工程中对**Term的定义,将PpeValue 继续展开,为: syntax PpeValue ::= AmbDoubleColonId

        | BooleanValue 
        | Mnot BooleanTerm 
        | BooleanTerm Mand BooleanTerm 
        | BooleanTerm Mor BooleanTerm 

        | SignedAadlreal 
        | Sign RealPpeConstantTerm 

        | SignedAadlinteger 
        | Sign IntegerPpeConstantTerm 

        | StringLiteral // String

        | EnumerationId 

        | RealRange 
        | RealTerm MDoubleDiont RealTerm Mdelta RealTerm 

        | AmbSignedAadlintegerOrConstantDoubleDiontSignedAadlintegerOrConstant 
        | IntegerTerm MDoubleDiont IntegerTerm Mdelta IntegerTerm 

        | CmpClassifierTerm 
        | RefTerm 
        | RecordTerm 
        | ComputedTerm 
        | MBracketLeft MBracketRight   
        | MBracketLeft PpeListValue MBracketRight 
        | MBracketLeft PpeListValue MComma PpeListValueMidSymbol MBracketRight 
        | MBracketLeft PpeExpression MComma PpeListValueMidSymbol MBracketRight 
        | MBracketLeft PpeExpressionWithoutBooleanTerm MBracketRight 
        | AmbBracketLeftBooleanTermBracketRight 
suweining commented 9 years ago

提取公共部分,重新定义 比较展开后的PpeValue和SubCmpAssocDefElem,很容易得到相同的部分为:AmbDoubleColonId InModes和 MBracketLeft MBracketRight。 重新定义: syntax AmbOverlapPpeValueSubCmpAssocDefElemInModes ::= AmbDoubleColonId InModes | MBracketLeft MBracketRight InModes 将重复的部分从PpeValue删除后,PpeValue的定义: syntax PpeValue ::= BooleanValue | Mnot BooleanTerm | BooleanTerm Mand BooleanTerm | BooleanTerm Mor BooleanTerm

        | SignedAadlreal 
        | Sign RealPpeConstantTerm 

        | SignedAadlinteger 
        | Sign IntegerPpeConstantTerm 

        | StringLiteral // String

        | EnumerationId 

        | RealRange 
        | RealTerm MDoubleDiont RealTerm Mdelta RealTerm 

        | AmbSignedAadlintegerOrConstantDoubleDiontSignedAadlintegerOrConstant 
        | IntegerTerm MDoubleDiont IntegerTerm Mdelta IntegerTerm 

        | CmpClassifierTerm 
        | RefTerm 
        | RecordTerm 
        | ComputedTerm 
        | MBracketLeft PpeListValue MBracketRight 
        | MBracketLeft PpeListValue MComma PpeListValueMidSymbol MBracketRight 
        | MBracketLeft PpeExpression MComma PpeListValueMidSymbol MBracketRight 
        | MBracketLeft PpeExpressionWithoutBooleanTerm MBracketRight 
        | AmbBracketLeftBooleanTermBracketRight 

将重复的部分从SubCmpAssocDefElem删除后,SubCmpAssocDefElem的定义: syntax SubCmpAssocDefElem ::= Id MDoubleColon Id MDoubleColon PkgName | Id MPoint Id | PkgName MDoubleColon Id MPoint Id

        | UniCmpClassifierRef ProtoTypeBindings 

        | MLeftBracket Numeral MRightBracket 
        | MLeftBracket AmbDoubleColonId MRightBracket 
        | MLeftBracket  MRightBracket

        | ArrayDimensions ArrayElementImplList 

        | MBraceLeft ContainedPpeAssoc  MBraceRight 
        | MBraceLeft PpeAssoc PpeContainedPpeAssocList MBraceRight 
        | MBraceLeft ContainedPpeAssoc PpeContainedPpeAssocList MBraceRight

        | AmbBraceLeftPpeAssocBraceRight

将AmbOverlapPpeValueSubCmpAssocDefElemInModes 添加到工程中:

syntax SubCmpAssocDef ::= SubCmpAssocDefMid | SubCmpAssocDefMid InModes | SubCmpAssocDefMid Min Mmodes MBracketLeft Id MRoughArrow Id MBracketRight | SubCmpAssocDefMid Min Mmodes MBracketLeft ModeName MComma ModeNameList MBracketRight | AmbOverlapPpeValueSubCmpAssocDefElemInModes

syntax ModalPpeValue ::= PpeValue InModes | PpeValue InModes MComma ModalPpeValue | AmbOverlapPpeValueSubCmpAssocDefElemInModes

suweining commented 9 years ago

mark:这样处理有错误的地方,就是需要在PpeValue的出现的地方,加上你删除的两条产生式:AmbDoubleColonId InModes和 MBracketLeft MBracketRight。

suweining commented 9 years ago

已经到对mark中提到的问题做了修改,修改的内容参见“adjust PpeValue”