I'm happy to test any other settings or changes to be made for Octolapse, Octoprint, or camera-streamer. Camera-streamer seems to work exactly as intended now that we have the added option to set snapshot delay to 0. I'm using the official Raspberry Pi camera v3 currently, but I can test with a generic USB webcam as well.
I've yet to test with manual focus but it can be done through Libcamera easily.
Thank you very much for your hard work!
Please consider becoming a patron
If you like this project, please support my work by becoming a patron, and consider adding a 'star' to the repository. It takes a lot of time and effort to maintain the project and respond to issues. The cost of test prints, software, cameras, printer parts, etc. can quickly add up, so every bit helps.
If this is a feature request describe it here
In reference to: ayufan/camera-streamer/issues/53 and OctoPrint/OctoPi-UpToDate/issues/3 #### Version of OctolapseOctolapse Version: Octolapse 0.4.3+u.f314826
Version of OctoPrint
OctoPrint Version: 1.0.0-1.8.7-20230328122604
When you ran into the problem, did you have diagnostic logging enabled?
Diagnostic Logging was Enabled: YES
Operating System running OctoPrint and Octolapse
OS Name: OctoPi Os Version: 1.0.0
Printer model & used firmware incl. version
Printer Model: Prusa Mini+ Printer Firmware Version: 4.4.1
Link to the gcode file you were printing when the problem occurred
Link to Gcode File: Organic Benchy
Link to plugin_octolapse.log
Link to plugin_octolapse.log: Octolapse Gist
Link to octoprint.log
Link to octoprint.log: Octoprint Gist
Screenshots and/or videos of the problem:
I'm happy to test any other settings or changes to be made for Octolapse, Octoprint, or camera-streamer. Camera-streamer seems to work exactly as intended now that we have the added option to set snapshot delay to 0. I'm using the official Raspberry Pi camera v3 currently, but I can test with a generic USB webcam as well.
My current settings in
OPTIONS='--camera-options="AfMode=2" --camera-options="AfRange=1" --camera-options="AfSpeed=1"'
I've yet to test with manual focus but it can be done through Libcamera easily.
Thank you very much for your hard work!
Please consider becoming a patron
If you like this project, please support my work by becoming a patron, and consider adding a 'star' to the repository. It takes a lot of time and effort to maintain the project and respond to issues. The cost of test prints, software, cameras, printer parts, etc. can quickly add up, so every bit helps.
You can find various videos and tutorials by subscribing to my Youtube channel. You can also follow me on Twitter.