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Wrong currency with currency pair UAH/DKK and UAH/EUR 2021-01-04 #197

Open TobiasFriis92 opened 1 year ago

TobiasFriis92 commented 1 year ago

API currency UAH Hi

Looks like that the below API call returns the wrong currency for the date 2021-01-04 eg. DKK: 7,439977 and EUR: 1 - what might be the issue?


Result: {"motd":{"msg":"If you or your company use this project or like what we doing, please consider backing us so we can continue maintaining and evolving this project.","url":""},"success":true,"timeseries":true,"base":"UAH","start_date":"2021-01-01","end_date":"2021-01-05","rates":{"2021-01-01":{"DKK":0.213972,"EUR":0.028843},"2021-01-02":{"DKK":0.213972,"EUR":0.02894},"2021-01-03":{"DKK":0.213606,"EUR":0.028705},"2021-01-04":{"DKK":7.439977,"EUR":1},"2021-01-05":{"DKK":0.213484,"EUR":0.028696}}}