FormidableLabs / envy

Node.js Telemetry & Network Viewer
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Envy NextJS connector sometimes shows traces as happening more than they do #200

Closed kgpax closed 8 months ago

kgpax commented 8 months ago


Observed when using Envy on a NextJS 14 project, we have an API route which calls a 3rd party backend API once. E.g.,

// api/foo/route.ts

export async function GET() {
  const { data } = await axios.get('');
  return NextResponse.json(data);

When this API router is called from a web page, Envy shows both the call to the API route and the call to the backend API, as we would expect:

GET 200 http://localhost:3000/api/foo
GET 200

All good πŸ‘

However... if we reload the web page which makes this call, we notice that Envy shows two traces for the backend API:

GET 200 http://localhost:3000/api/foo
GET 200
GET 200

Wierd πŸ€”. What's more is that with enough page reloading or even maybe hot reloading during development, Envy will show that the API route makes many, many calls to the backend API for each call to the API route... even if hitting the API route directly. All this despite there only ever being one call actually being made to the backend API by the API route.

Interestingly, these are not even duplicate traces, since whilst almost all of the details are identical, the timings data differs, so something is legitimately treating these as separate traces to report to Envy.

Reproduction steps

I've created a branch bug/envy-nextjs-duplicate-traces which can demonstrate this issue. To see if for yourself:


Not got time for the above, I recorded myself doing it...

What's going on?

kgpax commented 8 months ago

Update: the issue could be related to this code:

The intent here is that the node enableTracing call is only done once, but there are cases (on first page refresh and on hot reload) where this gets called twice, presumably due to a race condition over two calls trying to set this.

If I put a console log inside this if (!initialized) block, then on the occasions where I see that log written twice (which shouldn't happen, in theory), this is where the number of traces being shown increases.