FormidableLabs / freactal

Clean and robust state management for React and React-like libs.
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Calculated states giving me the blues #102

Open bingomanatee opened 6 years ago

bingomanatee commented 6 years ago

I'm getting very unreliable results from calculated states. I'm not too blue because they are not core to freactal - I can always expose them as external library operations around the state data -- but I think their caching or other operations seem to be caching the computation in an invalid value.

I can detail the scenario I am running into.

I am using Auth0 and integrating it with Freactal. One thing that the auth gives you is an "expiresAt" field that I am caching with local storage.

I wanted a semantic "isLoggedIn" computed value that is as follows:

The paradox I am getting it is this. I am persisting the computational function outside the configuration and when I pass state to it, the external isLoggedIn is returning true. However I am doing this in a block in which the computed value is false:

I have an effect that this paradox is running in:

   logoutIfNotLoggedIn: (events) => (state) => {
           if (!state.isLoggedIn) {
             const loggedIn = bottle.container.isLoggedIn(state); // 'bottle.container.isLoggedIn' is code I have copied to my computed definitions
          return state;

local loggedIn is true -- even though you can't even reach this code unless the computed property is false!

so long story short - I would be very careful around computed values and probably advise not using them until they are revisited.

agurtovoy commented 6 years ago

FWIW, there is another issue with computed props where using a state prop in a computed prop calculation effectively makes that state prop global/non-overridable (you'll get an error if there is another identically named prop anywhere in the component subtree). Didn't have time to report this properly yet.

Edit: JFYI, reproduced and fixed here.