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Issues with nullified events #48

Closed markacola closed 6 years ago

markacola commented 7 years ago

I am experiencing an issue when directly passing an effect to an element as an event handler.

It is to do with the empty causing the effectFn to be defered to the next tick, after which React has nullified the event, making it impossible to extract the values purely via effects.


      .then(() => effectFn(effects, ...args))


Promise.resolve(effectFn(effects, ...args))

Fixes the issue by calling effectFn immediately. I am not sure if this will negatively affect the timing of anything else.

I can see in the testing example in the readme ( that a wrapper function is used in the render to immediately extract the value from the element. This works fine, however I have always avoided function declaration within render for performance reasons.

Feel free to close this if it isn't considered an issue, however it is something that I have run into.

markacola commented 7 years ago

Happy to submit a PR with these changes, just let me know.

markacola commented 7 years ago

Quick repro:

import React from 'react'
import { provideState, injectState } from 'freactal'

const withState = provideState({
  initialState: () => ({
    value: ''
  effects: {
    // Error: Cannot read property `value` of null
    handleChangeInput: (effects, { target: { value } }) => state => ({

const Input = ({ effects: { handleChangeInput }, state: { value } }) => (
  <input onChange={handleChangeInput} value={value} />

const InputWithState = withState(injectState(Input))

render(<InputWithState/>, document.getElementById('root'))
divmain commented 7 years ago

Sorry to keep you waiting @markacola. There are easy work-arounds, of course, but this seems like a pretty reasonable use-case.

The only down-side I can think of is when the effectFn throws an error. Making the change would result in an actual throw, vs a rejected promise - and, in turn, that could complicate effect composition somewhat.

As an alternative, we could change the line you indicated to the following:

memo[effectKey] = (...args) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
  try {
    resolve(effectFn(effects, ...args));
  } catch (err) {
  .then(() => effectFn(effects, ...args))

This would cause the effectFn to be invoked synchronously the way you want, and would avoid any issues with errors being thrown about. I'm not 100% sure how I feel about that, but I'm willing to consider it.


markacola commented 7 years ago

I think this seems like the best way to go about it, although it adds a fair bit of noise.

mjoslyn commented 7 years ago

I'm just using a helper to forward the target, you could also use event.persist() to forward the whole event

const dispatchTarget = fn => ev => fn(;

<Input onChange={dispatchTarget(effects.onChangeUsername)} />
markacola commented 7 years ago

The issue with the dispatchTarget solution is that it creates a new function for every call, changing the props and causing a rerender of the Input.

mjoslyn commented 7 years ago

@markacola is right, this will cause a re-render of the input.

Jascha-Sundaresan commented 6 years ago

I am unaware of any downside to the solution proposed by @divmain

Is there anything preventing us from moving forward with this?