FormidableLabs / nuka-carousel

Small, fast, and accessibility-first React carousel library with an easily customizable UI and behavior to fit your brand and site.
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[8.0.0] RangeError: invalid array length #1053

Closed Silvenga closed 2 months ago

Silvenga commented 2 months ago

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Bug report

After upgrading to 8.0.0 (and fixing breaking changes) loading the page now throws a "RangeError: invalid array length" on page load caused by a divide by zero.

The exception is coming from this code:

The argument pageCount is set to Infinity, which coming from a divide by 0 as visibleWidth is 0.

This is mostly a race-condition during initialization.

The full stack trace (manually created as I have a dev hook intercepting the stack trace):

RangeError: invalid array length
arraySeq, node_modules/nuka-carousel/src/utils/array.ts:8:9
useMeasurement, node_modules/nuka-carousel/src/hooks/use-measurement.tsx:33:24
commitHookEffectListMount, node_modules/react-dom/cjs/react-dom.development.js:23150:25
... a bunch of React internals during mount.
Silvenga commented 2 months ago

I would guess handling the divide by zero would be enough here, if visibleWidth === 0, then pageCount should be set to 0.