FormidableLabs / nuka-carousel

Small, fast, and accessibility-first React carousel library with an easily customizable UI and behavior to fit your brand and site.
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Map render a unique slide in the carousel #1062

Open mbayou opened 3 weeks ago

mbayou commented 3 weeks ago

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I am struggling building up my carousel. It looks like when using a map to create React Component in the carousel they just appear in on slide. 

I am sure I am doing something wrong so really any guidance would be very welcome. 

export const AnnounceCard = ({language, token}: AnnounceCardProps) => {
  return <Card>
      <Carousel showArrows showDots>
        {, index) => (<div key={index}>
          <Typography>ANOTHER {announce.title}</Typography>
          <Typography>ANOTHER {announce.details}</Typography>