FormidableLabs / nuka-carousel

Small, fast, and accessibility-first React carousel library with an easily customizable UI and behavior to fit your brand and site.
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Mobile (tested on IOS) Touch event captured and Slide direction #1063

Open FabienFrancini opened 2 weeks ago

FabienFrancini commented 2 weeks ago

Is there an existing issue for this?

Code of Conduct


It looks like the touch event are captured and not propagated to the parent div, even if the carousel should consider horizontal swipe only.
The carousel slide when the touch move is horizontal, the vertical move is blocked.
Would it be possible to let the touch event propagated to the parent div to let the user scroll on the web page verticaly.

Is it something configurable (scroll direction) with the current version of Nuka-carousel?
this behavior is on mobile only.

Thanks a lot for your reply