FormidableLabs / spectacle

A React-based library for creating sleek presentations using JSX syntax that gives you the ability to live demo your code.
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[Docs][Feature] Add the ability to search through the documentation #1311

Open mathieucaroff opened 6 months ago

mathieucaroff commented 6 months ago

The documentation is still a bit messy and it's hard to find where concepts are documented. For instance, I was trying to find information about slide fragments, but nothing showed up in the API Reference.


Add the ability to search through the documentation.


This could be done via a search bar at the top of the page. This could rely on Algolia, since Spectacle is an opensource project.

Links / References

mathieucaroff commented 6 months ago

After-the-fact-note: There is not a single hit for "Fragment" when searching methodically through all the pages of the documentation. Looking into the code, I saw that there's no code in Spectacle for fragments: Fragments actually are a recipe. Still, this recipe should be documented, as the concept is presented in the demo, see here.