FortAwesome / Font-Awesome

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Icon request: nginx #1507

Closed russkel closed 5 years ago

russkel commented 11 years ago


Thanks for your hard work, it's an absolute pleasure to use this.

As for the request: The nginx logo would make a nice icon to put in footers. The icon would be the 'G' in the logo seen here



jjlauer commented 11 years ago

Just cross posting so folks looking for this can find it:

c33s commented 10 years ago


drastik commented 8 years ago

Feels wrong commenting on something so old, but it is the only issue I see for an Nginx icon!


tvld commented 7 years ago


itsmelion commented 5 years ago

Love to have the 'G' icon, although we must respect the press resources provided by the official nGinx people. Icons resources : download here

Hope it gets released soon. 🤞

pmjcreations commented 5 years ago


Any news on nginx icon?

DannyDeeps commented 5 years ago

I endorse this request!

itsmelion commented 5 years ago

The Leaderboards are serious.. really? Brands like MDB, Concrete5, orcid.. or others ive never seen in my life, top Brand icons leaderboard... wtf.. ahead of gigantic platforms like MongoDB, GraphQL, and Nginx etc..

Seem some companies mobilize gather theyr devs, to react to these issues, so they top the leatherboard. It feels like sabottage and this must stop.

itsmelion commented 5 years ago

Shall we react a lot to this issue, may sabbotage the leatherboard either.. since this is how its done?

tagliala commented 5 years ago

@itsmelion I've hidden your comments because they do not respect our community guidelines and standards:

The leaderboard also contains a lot of information on how requests work:

Hope that helps