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Icon request: hockey-mask (modern) #15348

Open bramroos opened 4 years ago

bramroos commented 4 years ago

I'm currently working on a hockey team website and wanted to use the goalie mask. I found that the goalie mask was designed from the the early days when goalies started to use masks. In other words: the design of the current hockey-mask icon is based on the vintage hockey mask. It does not represent the modern hockey mask but rather the the old mask associated with Jason Voorhees. This is not really what I would want to use for a hockey team site.

Further, the current hockey-mask icon is really not suited for small uses at all!!!!! The dots on the mask are not visible at 16 px. This means the icon is absolutely unusable.

Please amend the current icon or add a new modern version of the hockey-mask icon so my site does not look like a Halloween movie promotion ;-)

tagliala commented 4 years ago


Thanks for being part of the Font Awesome Community.

Do you have any single color, 16px icon size suitable example of a modern icon mask?

bramroos commented 4 years ago


I was going to leave that to the awesome icon designers at Font Awesome. But here a tiny screenshot of the current hockey-mask at font-size 16px. The icon on the right could be an alternative and the modern version.

The most important part is that the icon does not represent modern gear from the sport.


Many thanks, Bram

tagliala commented 4 years ago
