FortAwesome / Font-Awesome

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Icon Request: butterfly #15399

Open creativecatapps opened 4 years ago

creativecatapps commented 4 years ago

There are unicorns and narwhals, but the humble butterfly is missing from the animals category!

Request [6205] regarding a butterfly isn't looking good, so I'm opening a new ticket that does not refer to any brands.

diomed commented 4 years ago

I support this request! pls more butterflies :)

Skrol29 commented 4 years ago

The butterfly icon is useful not only for a catalog of animals, it also represents the action to flutter or flit upon.

Optimator commented 2 years ago


charlesschmitz2 commented 2 years ago


aethior commented 2 years ago

Related Unicode Emoji #222 🦋 U+1F98B Butterfly

mhnyblom commented 2 years ago

This would be great! I work at a College and Undocumented Students logo is a butterfly and I am trying to remove ugly picture icons for font awesome.

Shieldstromme commented 1 year ago

We work in the healthcare sector and the butterfly icon is commonly used in palliative care, so would be useful.

owenblacker commented 5 months ago

A butterfly has since also become the icon for Bluesky, as well, which would also be useful to have.

Linking #19810