What can it be used for?
Odysee is a video sharing site and considered by someone as a YouTube alternative, and helpful to content creators.
Odysee is powered by a LBRY platform, so it could be used by many sorts of things such as social links, embedding the lbc / odysee logo to the player's site, and more.
What can it be used for? Odysee is a video sharing site and considered by someone as a YouTube alternative, and helpful to content creators.
Odysee is powered by a LBRY platform, so it could be used by many sorts of things such as social links, embedding the lbc / odysee logo to the player's site, and more.
Press kit: https://odysee.com/@OdyseeHelp:b/odyseepresskit:b
Icon request checklist
)Icon request: magical-unicorn