FortAwesome / Font-Awesome

The iconic SVG, font, and CSS toolkit
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Icon Request: fa-mongodb #2725

Open hala3k opened 10 years ago

hala3k commented 10 years ago

hi thanks for the most awesome icons <3 <3

request for memcached and mongodb

thanks in advance Hala

tagliala commented 10 years ago

nodejs is a dup of #2584 , please +1 that request

renaming and leaving this open as icon-memcached

hala3k commented 10 years ago


bomb-on commented 9 years ago

+1 for mongodb

adrianosepe commented 9 years ago


miquelnez commented 8 years ago


dineiar commented 8 years ago

+1 for mongodb

samgoodgame commented 8 years ago

+1 for MongoDB

tagliala commented 8 years ago

let's use this one only for mongodb.

Please consider mfizz for technology brands:

dineiar commented 8 years ago

We're already using mfizz for Redis and MongoDB icons, I found it after commenting +1 on this issue. Mfizz is great, the design and the license are compatibles with those of Font Awesome.

internetstyle commented 6 years ago

It would be cool to have the mongodb icon in FA5. Thanks.

goriyasno commented 6 years ago


Ibarasan commented 6 years ago


itsmelion commented 5 years ago

+1 and popular DB's like:

Berkmann18 commented 5 years ago


ghost commented 5 years ago


MdotB commented 5 years ago

+1 MongoDB and other popular dbms icons

tagliala commented 5 years ago

@itsmelion I've hidden your comments because they do not respect our community guidelines and standards: The leaderboard also contains a lot of information on how requests work:

Hope that helps

devinmatte commented 5 years ago


sunlee-newyork commented 4 years ago


MoatazAbdAlmageed commented 4 years ago


hrishikeshathalye commented 4 years ago

+1 MongoDB please

sharunspi commented 4 years ago


bryhasagithub commented 4 years ago

+1 For now, I've used the Envira leaf since it's the most similar to MongoDB

elpidaguy commented 3 years ago

+1 Adding MongoDB icon separately would be helpful as fa-envira is my current workaround

itsmelion commented 3 years ago

Some guy once posted on another issue (about graphQL icon) a neat workaround that is like.. FontAwesome friendly. consists in creating your own faAny icon.

const faGraphQl = {
  prefix: 'fac',
  iconName: 'graphql', // Any name you like
  icon: [
    400, // width
    400, // height
    [], // ligatures
    '', // unicode (if relevant)
    // eslint-disable-next-line max-len
    'M57.468 302.66l-14.376-8.3 160.15-277.38 14.376 8.3z M39.8 272.2h320.3v16.6H39.8z M206.348 374.026l-160.21-92.5 8.3-14.376 160.21 92.5zM345.522 132.947l-160.21-92.5 8.3-14.376 160.21 92.5z M54.482 132.883l-8.3-14.375 160.21-92.5 8.3 14.376z M342.568 302.663l-160.15-277.38 14.376-8.3 160.15 277.38zM52.5 107.5h16.6v185H52.5zM330.9 107.5h16.6v185h-16.6z M203.522 367l-7.25-12.558 139.34-80.45 7.25 12.557z M369.5 297.9c-9.6 16.7-31 22.4-47.7 12.8-16.7-9.6-22.4-31-12.8-47.7 9.6-16.7 31-22.4 47.7-12.8 16.8 9.7 22.5 31 12.8 47.7M90.9 137c-9.6 16.7-31 22.4-47.7 12.8-16.7-9.6-22.4-31-12.8-47.7 9.6-16.7 31-22.4 47.7-12.8 16.7 9.7 22.4 31 12.8 47.7M30.5 297.9c-9.6-16.7-3.9-38 12.8-47.7 16.7-9.6 38-3.9 47.7 12.8 9.6 16.7 3.9 38-12.8 47.7-16.8 9.6-38.1 3.9-47.7-12.8M309.1 137c-9.6-16.7-3.9-38 12.8-47.7 16.7-9.6 38-3.9 47.7 12.8 9.6 16.7 3.9 38-12.8 47.7-16.7 9.6-38.1 3.9-47.7-12.8M200 395.8c-19.3 0-34.9-15.6-34.9-34.9 0-19.3 15.6-34.9 34.9-34.9 19.3 0 34.9 15.6 34.9 34.9 0 19.2-15.6 34.9-34.9 34.9M200 74c-19.3 0-34.9-15.6-34.9-34.9 0-19.3 15.6-34.9 34.9-34.9 19.3 0 34.9 15.6 34.9 34.9 0 19.3-15.6 34.9-34.9 34.9',
MartinLoeper commented 3 years ago

I went with for the time being.

itsmelion commented 3 years ago

If you feel constantly feeling the gaps with icons, worth checking out react-icons which contains all fontawesome and other popular libs all-in-one (material icons, ionicons, ant, vscode..)

DevOpJadeja commented 3 years ago

+1 :+1: for MongoDB (official brand logo here)

PoojaMgr commented 3 years ago

Do we have a MongoDB icon now?

forgetfulskybro commented 2 years ago

+1 mongodb

A-Annan commented 1 year ago

+1 mongodb

ShadiestGoat commented 1 year ago


PrerakGada commented 1 year ago

Please add MongoDb

JeevaElangovan commented 1 year ago

i need mongodb icon send me plz