FortAwesome / Font-Awesome

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Icon-request: fa-codewars and/or fa-codewars-square #4809

Open eaglejs opened 9 years ago

eaglejs commented 9 years ago

This is a social coding website, that allows you to solve coding puzzles. I want to link this icon to my social media links (i.e., linkedin, github, codepen).

What it should look like: (one could be a square and one could be a circle.)



Thank you so much! Let me know if you need anything from me! :) (forgive my poor Photoshop skills) :(

carlqt commented 9 years ago

+1, I'd like an icon for codewars as well.

pietrondo commented 9 years ago


eaglejs commented 9 years ago

Temporarily, I made mine as an SVG. You can grab it from here...

oiljin commented 8 years ago


elyashenko commented 8 years ago


agjs commented 8 years ago

Even though if closed, need to +1 for this. Would be great to have this icon in the arsenal.

KK20994 commented 8 years ago


cs-sean commented 8 years ago

@agjs - A duplicate to this request (#8070) was closed, this request is actually still open (I make the same mistake rather frequently). But considering there are 3,422 FontAwesome issues as I type this[1], and there are relatively few votes for this icon[2], we may be waiting for a while. Thankfully @eaglejs has made an svg available for us to use in the meantime. :smile:

[1] I suspect most of those are icon requests. [2] For example, the request for a Free Code Camp icon has almost 250 +1s - #6927

Jacob-Gray commented 8 years ago


giranm commented 8 years ago


FlandersBurger commented 8 years ago


jgdodson commented 7 years ago

+1. Really need this!

jhoffner commented 7 years ago

Jake from CW here. Here is an SVG you can use.

RhodesPeter commented 7 years ago

Codewars svg

Here is a Codewars svg logo that fits well with the shape of other logo that you may be using, like the github one.

mgienow commented 7 years ago

I love it when i come to GH to research answers to a problem and the community has already got it covered!

NikolayDenisov commented 7 years ago

Solution red and black for

 &.codewars { background-image: url(); }
patrickmao93 commented 5 years ago


lalaithan commented 5 years ago

+1 wanted

ghost commented 4 years ago

Anyone knows the font they use for the codewars logo?

davidlindercodes commented 4 years ago

6 years of this issue being open! We still want this :)

ghost commented 4 years ago

Hey :) I asked for a media kit and they made one. They shared it on

Have fun ♥

davidlindercodes commented 4 years ago

Thanks Anaesthra, still an FA icon would be preferable but I appreciate the link.

ioiste commented 4 years ago

This is still relevant. It'd be cool! +1

khaledadrani commented 3 years ago

It is still needed! +1

theDreamer911 commented 3 years ago

cool men, thanks

EduardoZepeda commented 3 years ago

Please don't let this die

alexshubko commented 3 years ago

still needed +1

Barhobbit18 commented 3 years ago

yip still needed

WangariKimotho commented 2 years ago

Reiterate that this is still needed to-date.

BayB33 commented 2 years ago

👍👍 +1

pintert3 commented 1 year ago

I don't know if my say still matters, but +1 👍🏾 👍🏾

ApplePieGiraffe commented 1 year ago
