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Icon Request: fa-nidux #9267

Open cumanzorx07 opened 8 years ago

cumanzorx07 commented 8 years ago

is it possible to add the nidux brand?

We have SaaS that provides ecommerce solutions and we would like to have a small icon just like fa-cc-paypal, the idea is to have some catchy phrase like "Hey you are using a store on our nidux platform, you can use your same user account in other store, if you see this icon, then you can use it".

Currently we have a text in the footer that says "Powered by nidux" but we want to remove but leaving some symbol on it instead.

Take a look at one of our test sites (look at the footer).


This is our company logo, if you can make the icon just like paypal it would be great.

Thanks in advance

cumanzorx07 commented 8 years ago

I did an svg of how the icon can be implemented nidux fw

Here is the source

<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
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