FortAwesome / Font-Awesome

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Icon Request: fa-picarto #9699

Open ghost opened 8 years ago

ghost commented 8 years ago

Hey, everyone! I've recently just discovered the Font Awesome Icons list and it's already been a huge help. I was wondering if you'd be willing to add a Picarto.TV favicon to add to the Brand Icons section, since it doesn't seem to exist yet.

Picarto is a sort of livestreaming site usually used by digital artists to stream to followers as they draw, and is often used in tandem with things like DeviantArt, Instagram, Facebook, Tumblr, and PayPal. It's kind of like Twitch, but for artists instead of gamers. It would be helpful for us to use to indicate a direct link to specific Picarto streams!

The logo looks something like this:

Maybe something exactly like that, where the dark blue is black? Or if it's too small to fit the little TV in, perhaps invert the colors and just have the "P" and TV without the circle.

Thanks for your consideration. Keep up the good work!

rmkane commented 8 years ago

These should work.






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ghost commented 8 years ago

Awesome, thank you! Wow, that was fast!